Ingliz Tilidan Onlayn Attestatsiya Testlari 11

O`qituvchilarga Testlar

Mart-aprel oylarida bo’ladigan ingliz tili fanidan attestatsiyaga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida attestatsiya namunasidagi 40ta savol berilgan. Testlarni ishlab o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring! Ushbu savollar faqatgina tayyorgarlik ko’rish va bilimingizni sinash uhcun. HECH QANDAY tushish ehtimoli yo’q! Ingliz tili attestatsiya testlari saytidan olingan bo’lib, faqat tayyorgarlik ko’rish uchun taqdim etilgan.

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Attestatsiya Test №11

Ingliz tili fani o’qituvchilari uchun 2022-yil UZTDI platformasida bir va oliy toifa sinov uchun berilgan attestatsiya savollari to’plami. Jami savollar to’plami 40ta

1 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. Whenever you’re planning to launch a new product, it’s essential to provide excellent customer serviceOtherwise, your customers will take their business elsewhere – they’ll start buying from a rival company instead of from yours.  

2 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

3 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

4 / 40

Recent research has revealed that passive smoking, even over a short period of time, such as thirty minutes, can temporarily damage a non-smoker’s heart. Experts have been warning for some time of the health risks caused by inhaling the smoke from other people’s cigarettes, but the average person does not yet seem to be very aware of these. People in most countries are now quite well informed about the dangers of smoking, whether or not they choose to act on the information and stop smoking. They know, for example, that smoking can lead to respiratory diseases, including serious diseases, such as lung cancer. However, their knowledge of the consequences of passive smoking seems very limited. According to this part of the text, passive smoking …

5 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

6 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

7 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

8 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

9 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. My wife was visibly disappointed that I wasn’t by her side when she woke up from surgery. She didn’t say anything – she’s not really one to show her feelings; she prefers to bottle up her emotions– but I knew I had let her down and I was terribly sorry that I had lost my temper.

10 / 40

Choose the correctly used part of the sentence. Before we can decide on the future uses of this drug, _______________________.

11 / 40

Choose the correctly used part of the sentence. In this country, a growing concern about the possible hazardous effects of chemical wasters ________.

12 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. Less serious crimes will receive a light sentence– for example, the offender may have to pay a fine or do community service. For more serious crimes, the person will probably go to prison – and especially heinous crimes can result in a harsh sentence such as life in prison (or life imprisonment) or, in some places, the death penalty.

13 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

14 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. There are still many regions of the world where children die of hunger/starvation. Unfortunately, extreme poverty is common in the rural areas of developing countries, where the population often suffers from food shortages and lack of access to clean water.

15 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the following words. close-knit family … dysfunctional family… 

16 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. When we first got married, we lived in a one-bedroom flat with a small kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. When our first child was born, she had to share our bedroom. Now we live in a four-bedroom house. Our bedroom has an en-suite bathroom.

17 / 40

Choose the correctly used part of the sentence. ________________ did Jerome accept the job.

18 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. As for me, I love singing along to my brother’s music, but a career in music isn’t for me – I’m completely tone-deaf and I always sing off-key

19 / 40

Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, there have been sereval ice ages or glacial periods. These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as dark as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid. The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increase in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture. According to this part of the text, some experts claim that this warming process, known as…

20 / 40

Nutritionists have tended to concentrate on the negative side effects of chocolate, pointing out that the combination of a high fat content and high sugar content can be a cause of obesity in people who overindulge in it. They also remind us that foods which are high in fat can lead to heart disease. Chocolate is also said to cause headaches in some people, and is considered to be one of the main triggers of migraine. Eating chocolate often makes us feel good. Even some health experts do not deny this, because it is thought to have a biochemical effect on the part of the brain that is concerned with pleasure. If you are feeling depressed, some chocolate can be a real tonic which cheers you up instantly. Unfortunately, this effect is transitory and you soon feel down again. According to this part of the text, some health experts do not deny eating chocolate, because… 

21 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

22 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

23 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

24 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. Life of my parents in new town is quite different from the hectic pace of L.A., where the bustling streets are strewn with litter and you can count on spending hours in traffic jams

25 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

26 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. The months that followed were tough. My wife became deeply depressed, and I too was an emotional wreck as I tried to juggle the demands of work and family life. But now things are starting to turn around – I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the all help we’ve gotten from our friends and neighbors.

27 / 40

Vicenza is a pleasant, prosperous city in the Veneto, 60km west of Venice. Its grand families settled and farmed the area from the 16th century. But its principal claim to fame is Andrea Palladio, who is such an influential architect that a neoclassical style is known as Palladian. The city is a permanent exhibition of some of his finest buildings, and as he was born— in Padua, to be precise—500 years ago, the International Centre for the Study of Palladio’s Architecture has an excellent excuse for mounting lagrande mostrathe big show. According to the text the phrase in bold is …

28 / 40

Choose the correct negative sentence?

29 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. Samantha’s developing a system for real-time translation among 100 different languages. If she can pull it off, it’ll be an unprecedented success and the crowning achievement of her career.

30 / 40

Choose the correctly used part of the sentence. _________________ will Mr. Forbes be able to regain control of the company.

31 / 40

Most of us have sweet tooth and a favorite form of confectionery is chocolate, whether this comes in the form of sweets, chocolate bars or cakes. The huge range of chocolate products on display in sweet shops and supermarkets shows us how popular chocolate is. Indeed, some of us are so fond of it that we become chocoholics. We are regularly told that a diet containing too much sugar and too much fat is bad for us, and chocolate contains a great deal of both of these. Thus, we have got used to the idea that eating chocolate is a sinful pleasure. According to this part of the text, the huge range of chocolate products on display in sweet shops and supermarkets shows us…

32 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

33 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. My older brother Alex is very musically gifted. He can play any tune from memory, without looking at sheet musicHe spends all his free time strumming a guitarcomposing musicand writing song lyrics

34 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

35 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. Although I was fiercely loyal to her, she showed her true colors when she played a prank that humiliated me in front of the class. I bore a grudge against her for years afterwards. Now that I look back on it, I can see that she had low self-esteem and a bit of a mean streak.

36 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. When a person breaks the lawwe say they have committed a crime. Especially horrible crimes – like a savage rape or a brutal murder – can be described as barbaric, horrible, or vicious crimes.

37 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. I’ve come out of my shell since those days; I have a thicker skin and it doesn’t bother me when people speak their minds.

38 / 40

Choose the correctly used part of the sentence. The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions _____________.

39 / 40

After such bad news from dietitians, people who love to binge on chocolate will be relived to hear that some doctors have now discovered some benefits in chocolate. Recent research suggests that chocolate, like aspirin, can delay blood clotting, making it potentially useful in preventing thrombosis. It has also been found that chocolate, like fruit and vegetables is rich in flavonoids, which help to prevent heart attacks and strokes. At last there is some good news for chocolate eaters! They can enjoy this delicious treat without feeling guilty, safe in the knowledge that it could be improving their health. According to this part of the text, recent research suggests that chocolate like, aspirin…

40 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

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Natijalar attestatsiyaning faqatgina test qismigagiga tegishli bo’lib, pedagog kadrlarning pedagogik mahorati va psixologik tayyorgarligi ta’lim tashkilotining pedagogik (kuzatuv) kengashi tomonidan o‘rganiladi hamda qo’shimcha 20 ballik tizimda baholanadi. Ushbu ballar bilan qo’shimcha qilinib yakuniy xulos chiqariladi.

Natijalaringiz yozib qoldirishni unutmang. Yanayam ko’proq testlarni saytimizdan topishingiz mumkin.

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Attestatsiya test №5
Attestatsiya test №6
Attestatsiya test №7
Attestatsiya test №8
Attestatsiya test №9
Attestatsiya test №10

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