Ingliz Tilidan Onlayn Attestatsiya Testlari 10

O`qituvchilarga Testlar

Mart-aprel oylarida bo’ladigan ingliz tili fanidan attestatsiyaga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida attestatsiya namunasidagi 40ta savol berilgan. Testlarni ishlab o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring! Ushbu savollar faqatgina tayyorgarlik ko’rish va bilimingizni sinash uhcun. HECH QANDAY tushish ehtimoli yo’q! Ingliz tili attestatsiya testlari saytidan olingan bo’lib, faqat tayyorgarlik ko’rish uchun taqdim etilgan.

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Attestatsiya Test №10

Ingliz tili fani o’qituvchilari uchun 2022-yil UZTDI platformasida sinov uchun berilgan attestatsiya savollari to’plami. Jami savollar to’plami 40ta

1 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. I’ve come out of my shell since those days; I have a thicker skin and it doesn’t bother me when people speak their minds.

2 / 40

How many students ………. in the classroom?

3 / 40

My friend’s son …… English and Russian at school.

4 / 40

Aziza is a flight attendant.  She ……. a lot of passengers.

5 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

6 / 40

Choose the correctly used part of the sentence. The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions _____________.

7 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

8 / 40

Choose INCORRECT sentence

9 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

10 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

11 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. My wife was visibly disappointed that I wasn’t by her side when she woke up from surgery. She didn’t say anything – she’s not really one to show her feelings; she prefers to bottle up her emotions– but I knew I had let her down and I was terribly sorry that I had lost my temper.

12 / 40

It is quarter to ten.

13 / 40

Choose the correctly used part of the sentence. In this country, a growing concern about the possible hazardous effects of chemical wasters ________.

14 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

15 / 40

Choose the correctly used part of the sentence. _________________ will Mr. Forbes be able to regain control of the company.

16 / 40

Choose the correct sentence

17 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

18 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

19 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

20 / 40

….. you …….. your shoes every day?

21 / 40

Choose INCORRECT sentence

22 / 40

Choose the correct written question

23 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

24 / 40

Do Mr Adams and his daughter like going ……….? No, they …… .

25 / 40

Choose the correctly used part of the sentence. Before we can decide on the future uses of this drug, _______________________.

26 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

27 / 40

Do you have a sheet of paper?

28 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

29 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

30 / 40

She ………. usually do any housework.

31 / 40

What’s this …. English?

32 / 40

Choose the correctly used part of the sentence. ________________ did Jerome accept the job.

33 / 40

Where…. he from? ….. from Tashkent.

34 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the following words. close-knit family … dysfunctional family… 

35 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

36 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. Although I was fiercely loyal to her, she showed her true colors when she played a prank that humiliated me in front of the class. I bore a grudge against her for years afterwards. Now that I look back on it, I can see that she had low self-esteem and a bit of a mean streak.

37 / 40

Choose the incorrectly used part of the sentence.

38 / 40

Find the suitable definition for the phrase in bold. The months that followed were tough. My wife became deeply depressed, and I too was an emotional wreck as I tried to juggle the demands of work and family life. But now things are starting to turn around – I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the all help we’ve gotten from our friends and neighbors.

39 / 40

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
Tom might ____ in his office at the moment

40 / 40

Choose the correct negative sentence?

Your score is

Natijalar attestatsiyaning faqatgina test qismigagiga tegishli bo’lib, pedagog kadrlarning pedagogik mahorati va psixologik tayyorgarligi ta’lim tashkilotining pedagogik (kuzatuv) kengashi tomonidan o‘rganiladi hamda qo’shimcha 20 ballik tizimda baholanadi. Ushbu ballar bilan qo’shimcha qilinib yakuniy xulos chiqariladi.

Natijalaringiz yozib qoldirishni unutmang. Yanayam ko’proq testlarni saytimizdan topishingiz mumkin.

Attestatsiya test №1 & 2
Attestatsiya test №3
Attestatsiya test №4
Attestatsiya test №5
Attestatsiya test №6
Attestatsiya test №7
Attestatsiya test №8
Attestatsiya test №9

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