Still = nimadir oldingidek bir xil ya’ni o’zbek tiliga hali ham deb tarjima qilinadi. Asosan, darak gaplarda foydalaniladi.

I had a lot to eat, but I’m still hungry. (= I was hungry before, and I’m hungry now)
Ko’p narsa yedim, ammo hali ham ochman. (= oldin och edim, va hozir ham ochman)
‘Did you sell your car?’ ‘No, I’ve still got it.’
‘Mashinangizni sotdingizmi?’ ‘Yo’q, hali ham menda bor.’
‘Do you still live in Barcelona?’ ‘No, I live in Madrid now.’
‘Hali ham Barselonada yashayapsizmi? ‘Yo’q, hozir Madridda yashayapman.’
Yet so’zi hali ham/hozirgacha deb tarjima qilinadi. Asosan, so’roq (Has he come yet?) va inkor (He hasn’t come yet.) gaplarda foydalaniladi. Ko’pincha u gap oxirida keladi.

A: Where’s Emma?
B: She isn’t here yet. (= she will be here, but until now she hasn’t come)
A: Emma qayerda?
B: U hali ham bu yerda emas. (= u shu yerda bo’ladi, ammo u hozirgacha kelmadi)
A: What are you doing this evening?
B: I don’t know yet. (= I will know later, but I don’t know at the moment)
A: Siz bu kecha nima qiilasiz?
B: Men hozircha bilmayman. (= Men keyinroq bilishim mumkin, ammo ayni vaqtda bilmayman)
A: Are you ready to go yet?
B: Not yet. In a minute. (= I will be ready, but I’m not ready at the moment)
A: Ketishga tayyormisiz?
B: Yo’q hali emas. Bir daqiqalarda. (= Men tayyor bo’laman, ammo ayni vaqtda hozir tayyor emasman)
- Still va yetni solishtiring:
She hasn’t gone yet. = She’s still here. (not she is yet here)
U hali ham ketmagan. = U hali ham shu yerda. (she is yet here emas)
I haven’t finished eating yet. = I’m still eating.
Men hali ham yeb bo’lmadim. = Men hali ham yeyapman.
Already = kutilganidan ertaroq, ya’ni allaqachon ma’nosida ishlatiladi:
‘What time is Joe coming?’ ‘He’s already here.’ (= earlier than we expected)
‘Joe qachon nechchida keladi?’ ‘U allaqachon shu yerda.’ (= biz kutgandan ertatoq)
‘I’m going to tell you what happened.’ ‘That’s not necessary. I already know.’
‘Men senga nima bo’ganini aytmoqchiman.’ ‘U muhim emas. Men allaqachon bilaman.’
Sarah isn’t coming to the cinema with us. She has already seen the film.
Sara biz bilan kinoga kelmaydi. U allaqachon kinoni ko’rib bo’lgan.
Exercise 1. Siz Tinani uchratasiz. Oxirgi marta uni 2 yil oldin ko’rgan edingiz. Siz still bilan undan bir necha savol so’raysiz.

2 Do you still live in Clare Street?3 Are you still a student?
4 Have you still got a motorbike? / Do you still have a motorbike?
5 Do you still go to the cinema a lot?
6 Do you still want to be a teacher?
Exercise 2. Har bir vaziyat uchun 3taa gap yozing. Namunaga diqqat vbilan qarang.

2 He was looking for a job.He’s/He is still looking (for a job).
He hasn’t found a job yet.
v 3 She was asleep.
She’s/She is still asleep.
She hasn’t woken up yet. /She isn’t awake yet.
or She hasn’t got up yet. / She isn’t up yet.
4 They were having dinner. / They were eating.
They’re/They are still having dinner. /… still eating.
They haven’t finished (dinner) yet. / They haven’t finished eating yet.
Exercise 3. Yet bilan savollar yozing.

2 Is Helen here yet? or Has Helen arrived/come yet?3 Have you got your (exam) results yet? / Have you had your… / Have you received your…
4 Have you decided where to go yet? / Do you know where you’re going yet?