Biz both (ikkalasi)/ either (yo unisi, yo bunisi)/ neither (unisi ham emas, bunisi ham emas) dan har doim 2ta narsa yoki insonlar haqida gapirganimizda ishlatamiz.

Rebecca has two children. Both are married. (both = the two children)
Rebekkaning 2 ta bolasi bor. Ikkalasi ham oilali. (ikkalasi = 2 ta bola)
Would you like tea or coffee? You can have either. (either = tea or coffee)
Choy yoki qahva hohlaysanmi? Sen yo unisini yo bunisini ichishing mumkin. (yo unisi yo bunisi = choy yoki qahva)
A: Do you want to go to the cinema or the theatre?
B: Neither. I want to stay at home. (neither = not the cinema or the theatre)
A: Kinoga borishni yoki teatrgami?
B: Ikkalasiga ham emas. Men uyda qolishni hohlayman. (ikkalasiga ham emas = kinoga ham emas yoki teatrga ham emas.
Either va neither ni solishtiring:
‘Would you like tea or coffee?’
‘Choy yoki qahva hohlaysanmi?’
‘Either. I don’t mind.’ (= tea or coffee)
‘Yo unisi yoki bunisi. Farqi yo’q.’ (= choy yoki qahva)
‘I don’t want either.’ (not I don’t want neither)
‘Ikkalasini ham hohlamayman.’ (I don’t want neither emas, chunki bitta gapda ikkita inkor so’z bo’lmaydi)
‘Neither.’ (= not tea or coffee)
‘Ikkalasi ham emas.’ (= choy yoki qahva emas)
both/either/neither + noun (ot) bilan qo’llanishi.
- both dan so’ng ko’plik ot ishlatiladi:
Last year I went to Paris and Rome. I liked both cities very much.
O’tgan yili Men Parij va Rimga bordim. Menga ikkala shaharlar ham juda yoqdi.
- either va neither dan so’ng esa hamisha birlik ot ishlatiladi:
First, I worked in an office, and later in a shop. Neither job was very interesting.
Birinchi, men offisda ishladim, va keyinroq do’konda. Ikkala ish ham qiziqarli emas edi.
There are two ways from here to the station. You can go either way.
Bu yerdan bekatgacha 2 ta yo’l bor. Yo u yo’l bilan yo bu yo’l bilan ketishiz mumkin.
both of … / either of … / neither of …
- not + either = neither (hech biri)
Neither of my parents is British. Ota onamning hech biri Britaniyalik emas.
I haven’t read either of these books. Men bu kitoblarning unisini ham bunisini ham o’qimaganman.
- both of the/those/my … yoki both the/those/my … (of bilan yoki of siz) ishlatish mumkin:
I like both of those pictures. or I like both those pictures.
Menga anavi suratlarning ikkalasi ham yoqdi. yoki Menga anavi ikkala suratlar ham yoqdi.
Both of Paul’s sisters are married. or Both Paul’s sisters are married.
Paulning opalarining ikkalasi ham oilali. yoki Paulning ikkala opasi ham oilali.
- ammo, ushbu holatda neither bilan of ishlatish zarur:
Neither of Paul’s sisters is married. (not Neither Paul’s sisters)
Paulning opalarining hech biri oilali emas. (Neither Paul’s sisters emas)
Birinchi gapdagi shaxs yoki narsalarning nomini ikkinchi gapda takrorlamaslik uchun both of them / neither of us holatida qo’llaniladi:

Paul has two sisters. Both of them are married.
Paulning 2ta singlisi bor. Ularning ikkalasi ham oilali.
Sue and I didn’t eat anything. Neither of us was hungry.
Syu va men hech narsa yemadik. Bizlarning hech birimiz och emas edik.
Who are those two people? I don’t know either of them.
Anavi 2ta odamlar kim? Men ularning ikkalasini ham tanimayman.
Exercise 1. Both/either/neither ni yozing. Agar zarur bo’lsa of dan foydalaning.

3 Both4 Neither
5 Neither
6 both
7 Either
8 neither of 14 either of
9 Neither
10 either of
11 Both
12 neither of
13 Both
Exercise 2. Quyidagi rasmlar uchun gaplarni to’ldiring. Both … va Neither … dan foydalaning.

2 Both windows are open. 3 Neither man is wearing a hat. or Neither of them is wearing…4 Both men have (got) beards. or Both of them have …
5 Both buses go to the airport. or … are going to the airport.
6 Neither answer is correct.
Exercise 3. Erkak va ayol bir qancha savollarga javob berishdi. Ularning javoblari bir xil edi. Gaplarni Both/Neither of them … bilan yozing.

3 Both of them are students.4 Neither of them has a car. / … has got a car.
5 Both of them live in London.
6 Both of them like cooking.
7 Neither of them can play the piano.
8 Both of them eat seafood.
9 Neither of them is interested in sport.