a/an noaniq artikli

72-dars. a/an noaniq artikli

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Inglz tilida 2 xil artikl bor: aniq artikl (the definite article) va noaniq arikl (the indefinite article).

aniq artikl (the definite article) – the

noaniq arikl (the indefinite article)-a, an

Bugungi darsimizda noaniq arikl (the indefinite article) – a, an o’rganamiz. Ingliz tilida unli va undosh harflar bor.

an + vowesl sound (unli tovushlar) ( a,e , i, o, u). Unli harflar bilan boshlangan va bitta bo’lgan so’zlar oldidan an artikilini sihalatamiz. Masalan: an apple- (bir) olma, an example-(bir) misol

a + consonant (undosh tovushlar) (b ,c , d, f, 9, h,i , k, l, m,t r,p , g, r, s, t, v, w,x , y, z). Undosh harflar bilan boshlangan va bitta bo’lgan so’zlar oldidan a artikilini sihalatamiz. Masalan: a ball-(bir) koptok, a policeman-(bir) politsiyachi

Noaniq artikl quyidagi holatlarda ISHLATILMAYDI:

1)sanalmaydigon otlar bilan: I like cheese and milk-men pishloq va sutni yaxshi ko’raman.

2)ko’plikdagi otlar bilan: They are schoolchildren-Ular maktab bolalari.

3)atoqli otlar bilan: I spoke to Peter about it- Me bu (narsa) haqida Piter bilan gaplashdim.

4)otlar oldidan egalik va ko’rsatish olmoshlari kabi aniqlovchilar kelganda: I need this book-menga bu kitob kerak.

5)o’zidan keyin sanoq son kelgan otlardan oldin: He lives in apartment 3- U 3 xonadonda yashaydi.

Exercises 1. a yoki an yozing.

Answers 2 a 6 an
3 a 7 a
4 an 8 an
5 a 9 an

Exercises 2. Bu narsalar nima? quti ichidan tanlang.

Answers 2 a vegetable
3 a game
4 a tool
5 a mountain
6 a planet
7 a fruit
8 a river
9 a flower
10 a musical instrument

Exercises 3. Gaplarni yozing. Ikki qutidan tanlang. Qayerga a/an zarur bo’lsa foydalaning.

Answers 2-8
Tom never wears a hat.
I can’t ride a bike.
My brother is an artist.
Rebecca works in a bookshop.
Jane wants to learn a foreign language.
Mike lives in an old house.
This evening I’m going to a party.

72-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

I want to buy ___ umbrella.

2 / 10

This morning I bought ___ newspaper and ___ magazine.

3 / 10

I ate ___ sandwich and ___ apple for lunch.

4 / 10

He works eight hours ___ day, five days ___ week.

5 / 10

Sally works in a restaruant. She brings the food to the tables. She is ___ waitress.

6 / 10

I have got ___ examination in French next week.

7 / 10

Jack is ____ really nice person.

8 / 10

What ___ beautiful garden!

9 / 10

___ ant is ___ insect.

10 / 10

I have been waiting for you for ____ hour.

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