Ingliz tilida too ishlatilishi. Too ‘judayam (haddan tashqari)’ ma’nosida kelib, me’yordan oshib ketgan narsalarga nisbatan ishlatiladi.

- Too dan so’ng sifat yoki ravish keladi (too big / too hard etc.):
Can you turn the radio down? It’s too loud. (= louder than I want)
Radioni o’chirib qo’ya olasanmi? U judayam baland. (= hohlaganimga qaraganda balandroq)
I can’t work. I’m too tired.
Men ishlay olmayapman. Men juda charchaganman.
I think you work too hard.
Menimcha sen juda qattiq ishlaysan.
- Too much / too many (judayam ko’p) = sen hohlaganingda ko’proq, yaxshidan ko’ra ko’proq.
I don’t like the weather here. There is too much rain. (= more rain than is good)
Men bu yerdagi ob-havoni yoqtirmayman. Judayam ko’p yomg’ir bor. (= yaxshidan ko’ra ko’proq yomg’ir)
Let’s go to another restaurant. There are too many people here.
Boshqa restoranga boraylik. Bu yerda judayam ko’p odamlar bor ekan.
Emily studies all the time. I think she studies too much.
Emily hamma vaqt o’qiydi. Menimcha u judayam ko’p o’qiydi.
- Too (juda) va not enough (yetarli emas) ni solishtiring:
The hat is too big for him.
Shlyapa u uchun juda katta.
The music is too loud. Can you turn it down, please?
Musiqa juda baland. Uni o’chirib qo’ya olasanmi, iltimos?
There’s too much sugar in my coffee. (= more sugar than I want)
Qahvamda juda ko’p shakar bor. (= Hohlaganimdan ko’proq shakar)
The hat isn’t big enough for him. (= it’s too small)
Shlyapa u uchun yetarlicha katta emas. (= u juda kichik)
The music isn’t loud enough. Can you turn it up, please?
Musiqa yetarlicha baland emas. Uni ko’tarib qo’ya olasanmi, iltimos?
There’s not enough sugar in my coffee. (= I need more sugar)
Qahvamda yetarlicha shakar yo’q. (= Menga ko’proq shakar kerak)
Biz aytamiz:

Exercise 1. Rasmlarga qarang va gaplarni to’ldiring. Too + ushbu so’zlardan foydalaning:

2 too heavy3 too low
4 too fast
5 too big
6 too crowded
Exercise 2. Too / too much / too many yoki enough ni yozing.

3 enough4 too many
5 too
6 enough
7 too much
8 enough
9 too
10 too many
11 too much
Exercise 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Ushbu so’zlar bilan too yoki enough ni yozing.

3 It’s too far.4 It’s too expensive.
5 It isn’t/it’s not big enough.
6 It was too difficult.
7 It isn’t good enough.
8 I’m too busy.
9 It was too long.
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