Ingliz tilida birlik va ko'plik

73-dars. Singular and Plural nouns

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

So’zlarda ko’plik shaklini yasash. Ko’p holatlarda so’zlarni ko’plik shaklini yasash uchun so’zning ohiriga «s» qo’shimchasini qo’shish orqali yasaymiz. Pastdagi jadvalga qarang:

Agar so’zning ohiri -s / -sh / -ch / -x harflari bilan tugasa ko’plik shaklini yasash uchun → -es qo’shamiz.

Agar so’zimiz -y harfi bilan tugasa, ko’plik shaklini yasash uchun -y tushirib o’rniga → -ies qo’shimchasini qo’shamiz.

Lekin so’zlarda -y harfidan oldin unli harflar kelsa -ay / -ey / -oy ko’plik shaklini yasash uchun faqat -s qo’shimchasini qo’shamiz.

Agar so’zimiz -f / -fe tugasa ko’plik shaklini yasash uchun -f / -fe tushirib o’rniga→ -ves qo’shimchasini qo’shamiz

Bu narsalar ko’plikda ishlatiladi:






tightstor yopishqoq kiyim

pyjamastungu kiyim

Ba’zi so’zlarimizga ko’plik shaklini yasash uchun hech qanday qo’shimcha qo’shilmaydi.

Jadvalda ko’rib turganizdek so’zlarni ko’plik shaklini yasayotganimizda uni shakli o’zgaryapti ya’ni qo’shimcha olayotgani yo’q: man-men, foot-feet, sheep-sheep

Exercises 1. Ko’plik shaklida yozing.

Answers 2 boats 8 sandwiches
3 women 9 families
4 cities 10 feet
5 umbrellas 11 holidays
6 addresses 12 potatoes
7 knives

Exercises 2. Rasmlarga qarang va gaplarni to’ldirng.

Answers 2 teeth 5 fish
3 people 6 leaves
4 children

Exercises 3. Gaplar to’g’rimi? Qayerga zarur bo’lsa so’zlarni almashtiring.

Answers 3 … with a lot of beautiful trees.
4 … with two men.
5 OK
6 … three children.
7 Most of my friends are students.
8 He put on his pyjamas …
9 OK
10 Do you know many people
11 I like your trousers. Where did you get them?
12 … full of tourists.
13 OK
14 These scissors aren’t…

73-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

Find the singular noun in the sentence.

The boys walked to the park.

2 / 10

Which plural noun is spelled correctly?

3 / 10

The police ____ in the USA.

4 / 10

Can I have ____ please?

5 / 10

Many ____ have enough to eat.

6 / 10

What size are your ____?

7 / 10

She is an extremely kind ____.

8 / 10

A ____ and two ____ were arrested on the day after the explosion.

9 / 10

I have been on my ____ all day and I'm exhausted.

10 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan qatorni toping.

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