Repetitsion TEST 8


Bahorda bo’ladigan attestatsiya imtihoniga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida berilgan repetitsion test bilan o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring!
1-bosqich pedagogning mutaxassislik fani bo’yicha 35ta, kasbiy standart bo’yicha 5ta testdan iborat bo’lsa, 2-bosqichda pedagogik mahorat bo’yicha 10ta savol o’rin olgan bo’ladi.
Boshlash uchun «Start» tugmasini bosing!

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Repetitsion TEST 8

Jami savollar 50ta!

Mutaxassislik fani 35ta
Kasbiy standartdan 5ta
Pedagogik mahoratdan 10ta

Ajratilgan vaqt 90 daqiqa

Boshlash uchun "Start" tugmasini bosing!

1 / 50

1. The farmer had to wear heavy boots in the winter because the fields were so wet and ________.

2 / 50

2. Choose the appropriate option 'raɪs' is the phonetic transcription of -

3 / 50

3. The divorce rate in the United States almost doubles all rivalling countries. For every 1.000 carriages, there are twenty-one divorces. Divorce will alter an individual's life. However, it is up to the individual to decide whether the change will be for the better or the worse. Despite the fact that a divorce is a life-shattering event, it doesn't have to spoil the individuals involved. There are many things that people can do to lessen the chances of having to go through a divorce. If the individual has to go through a divorce there are many steps in the healing process.

According to the author, although divorce is a spoiling incident, ..........

4 / 50

4. Ushbu metod ijodiy fikrlarni to‘plash uchun o‘tkaziladi,bunda ishtirokchilar tanqid va kesatiqlarsiz muayyan muammo yuzasidan o‘z fikrlarini ochiq oydin bayon etadilar va ushbu muammoning yYechimini izlaydilar.

5 / 50

5. Oʻqituvchi oʻquvchilarga yangi mavzuni ma’ruza tarzida tushuntirib berdi. Dars
davomida oʻqituvchi faol boʻlib, oʻquvchilarga qaratilgan nuqt soʻzladi. Bunda oʻqituvchi
faoliyatida kuzatiladigan nutqning qanday shakli namoyon boʻldi?

6 / 50

6. The car is almost ready to collect from the garage but there are just a couple of spare ....... missing.

7 / 50

7. The correct transcription of the word ‘hurt’ is

8 / 50

8. Which of the following words contains a diphthong?

9 / 50

9. The divorce rate in the United States almost doubles all rivalling countries. For every 1.000 carriages, there are twenty-one divorces. Divorce will alter an individual's life. However, it is up to the individual to decide whether the change will be for the better or the worse. Despite the fact that a divorce is a life-shattering event, it doesn't have to spoil the individuals involved. There are many things that people can do to lessen the chances of having to go through a divorce. If the individual has to go through a divorce there are many steps in the healing process.

According to the author, although divorce is a life-destroying event, .......

10 / 50

10. O'qitishning bu usulida o'qituvchi o'quvchilar uchun muammo tug'diradi, keyin ular javobini aniqlayotganda chetda turadi. Bu qanday usul?

11 / 50

11. A: How are you getting to Rome?
B: It’s ..... expensive for us to go by plane, so we’re taking the train to Rome.’

12 / 50

12. O'qituvchi bu tadqiqot usuli orqali ma’lumotlarni boyitish, mavjud holatlarga baho berish
muammoning yechimini topishga, imkon beruvchi pedagogik shart- sharoitni yaratishga
erishadi.Bu tadqiqot maqsadga muvofiq holda individual guruhli va ommaviy shaklda
o'tkazadi. Tadqiqot samarali bolishi uchun ishtirokchilarga o'z fikrlarini erkin va batafsil ayta
olishiga sharoit yaratilishi hamda olingan ma’lumotlar oz vaqtida tahlil qilinishi lozim.

13 / 50

13. I am very open to diverse religions, cultures, and practices as I know many people with different backgrounds and beliefs. Since I've been influenced by various people, I've learned at a very young age to never judge people by how they look, dress, feel, or act. I am very fortunate to have learned that lesson at a young age since many people still do not understand the significance of accepting differences.

According to the author, people who do not understand the importance of accepting differences ..........

14 / 50

14. Abdulla was standing very far from you. You _____ see him.

15 / 50

15. The workers went on strike because they thought their wages were too ________.

16 / 50

16. We learned that he ___ the office 5 minutes before he _____

17 / 50

17. A: What did you use to do on Sundays?

B: We would usually ..... to church in the morning.

18 / 50

18. Can you ....... the time of the next train to Munich?

19 / 50

19. You've borrowed such a great deal of money from me lately. I need to ....... exactly how much you owe me.

20 / 50

20. Ask her to help you with your calculations because she's ....... hot at mathematics.

21 / 50

21. Sinf soatida o'qituvchi viloyat olimpiyadasida 1-o'rinni qo'lga kiritgan o'quvchini bolalarga namuna qilib ko'rsatdi bola sinfdoshlariga olimpiyada jarayonida bo'lgan voqealar va hissiy kechinmalarini aytib berdi. Bunday holatda o'qituvchi qaysi ta'lim metoiddan foydalangan?

22 / 50

22. The reason why I feel so ....... today is because it's my birthday and no-one has sent me any cards.

23 / 50

23. He tends to forget things very quickly and behaves more and more like the typical ....... professor.

24 / 50

24. The word 'accelerate' is transcribed as -

25 / 50

25. Ushbu metodni qo'llash jarayonida qo‘llash jarayonida, ta’lim muassasalarining o‘quv tarbiya ishlari jarayonini o‘rganish asosida tadqiq etilayotgan muammo holat aniqlanadi, tajriba avvali va yakunida qo‘lga kiritilgan ko‘rsatkichlar o‘rtasidagi farq to‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotga ega bo‘linadi. Olib borilayotgan
pedagogik kuzatish ta’lim-tarbiya sifatini oshirish, o‘quvchi shaxsini
shakllantirishga xizmat qilsa, mazkur metodning ahamiyati yanada oshadi. Bu qaysi metod turi?

26 / 50

26. The explorer ________ all the way to the source of the river by boat.

27 / 50

27. I am very open to diverse religions, cultures, and practices as I know many people with different backgrounds and beliefs. Since I've been influenced by various people, I've learned at a very young age to never judge people by how they look, dress, feel, or act. I am very fortunate to have learned that lesson at a young age since many people still do not understand the significance of accepting differences.

What makes the author be very open to different religions, cultures and practices ..........

28 / 50

28. A: Would you like me to give Mike a message for you?
B: Oh, I don’t want to trouble you
A: It’s no trouble, really. I ....... Mike tomorrow anyway.

29 / 50

29. You are in a discussion and someone makes a suggestion you disagree with. How do you respond respectfully?

30 / 50

30. Don't talk to him about politics because it's like a ....... rag to a bull.

31 / 50

31. Bu metod yuklatilgan vazifa va muammolarni bir guruh bo‘lib hal etishga o‘rgatadi.

32 / 50

32. The vowel sound in "coin" is a:

33 / 50

33. I don’t know … students in this class. Because I am a newcomer

34 / 50

34. In this business you cannot afford to make any mistake and must be seen to be lily ........

35 / 50

35. She lost the company a lot of money last week and as a result has got a ....... mark against her name.

36 / 50

36. That maths exam was incredibly difficult. It took me ages to ....... some of the answers.

37 / 50

37. While the gentlemen ... the recent events, the ladies ... about the weather.

38 / 50

38. O'qituvchi ushbu metod yordamida pedagogik kuzatish va suhbat jarayonida to‘plangan dalillar boyitadi. Bu metod ham tizimlangan savollar asosida respondentlar bilan muloqotni tashkil etishga
asoslanadi. Bu metodda savollarga javoblar, ko‘p hollarda, yozma ravishda olinadi

39 / 50

39. The zipper is a very widespread fastener used to secure all kinds of things, particularly clothing. But the zipper wasn't always around. Before the zipper was invented, buttons were used in fastening clothes, and so were hooks and eyes that had to be fastened manually. When the zipper first came out, it was somewhat of an oddity; it wasn't widely accepted. But slowly, more and more people began noticing its convenient applications, and soon it could be seen everywhere. The zipper started off as a novelty, and because of its convenience, it is now a necessity.

The zipper that we use practically today ..........

40 / 50

40. They ..... breakfast at 7 and ..... home at eight.

41 / 50

41. When the bill came, he had to _______ money from his brother to pay it.

42 / 50

42. Because the company was doing more business it was necessary to ________ the factory

43 / 50

43. George, help me to do the room, If you _____ nothing.

44 / 50

44. They were ....... of having broken into the stately home and stolen several famous paintings.

45 / 50

45. During a formal meeting, your manager says, "We should consider all the alternatives before making a decision." What is the pragmatic meaning of this statement?

46 / 50

46. 14-yanvar vatan himoyachilari kuni munosabati bilan maktabga bir guruh harbiylar taklif qilindi. Ular kasb faoliyatlari haqida o'quvchilarga ma'lumot berdi. Oq'uvchilar ham o'z navbatida o'zlarini qiziqtirgan savollarga javob olishdi. Bunday holatda qanday ta'lim metodidan foydalanilgan?

47 / 50

47. How much is the bus ... to the city centre?

48 / 50

48. Make sure you book a ticket in ... .

49 / 50

49. They didn't know that he _____ from the University in 1990 and then ______ abroad.

50 / 50

50. Ushbu metod respondent tomonidan tadqiq etilayotgan muammoning u yoki bu jihatini yorituvchi hodisaga nisbatan munosabat bildirilishini ta’minlaydi. respondent e’tiboriga turkum savollarni havola etish asosida o‘tkaziladi

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