114-lesson. Fe’l + predlog (listen to … , look at … etc.)

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Bugungi darsimizda fe’l + predlog shaklini o’rganamiz.

Quyidagilarni tarjimasi bilan yodlab oling.

  • Biz call/phone/text/email fe’llarini predlogsiz insonlarga nisbatan ishlatamiz (predlogsiz):

I have to phone my parents today. (not phone to my parents)

Men bugun ota-onamga qo’ng’iroq qilishim kerak.

Shall I text you or email you?

Men senga email jo’nataymi yoki xat jo’nataymi?

look at / look for / look after

  • Look at – -ga qaramoq

He’s looking at his watch. – U uning qo’l soatiga qarayapti.

Look at these flowers!  They’re beautiful. – Mana bu gullarga qarang. Ular chiroyli.

Why are you looking at me like that? – Nimaga menga bunaqa qarayapsan?

  • Look for – qidirmoq

She’s lost her key.  She’s looking for it. – U kalitini yo’qotdi. U uni qidiryapti.

I’m looking for Sarah.  Have you seen her? – Men Sarani qidiryapman. Sen uni ko’rdingmi?

  • look after – g’amxo’rlik qilmoq/qarab turmoq/ehtiyot qilmoq (= take care of, keep safe)

When Emily is at work, a friend of hers looks after her children.

Emily ishda bo’lganda, uning do’sti fazandiga qarab turadi.

Don’t lose this book.  Look after it. (= Keep it safe.)

Bu kitobni yo’qotmaang. Uni ehtiyot qiling.

  • Depend on – -ga bog’liq

A:  Do you like eating in restaurants?

B:  Sometimes.  It depends on the restaurant.    (not it depends of)

A: Restoranda ovqatlanishni yoqtirasizmi?

B: Ba’zan. Bu restoranga bog’liq.

it depends what/where/how (etc.) on predlogi bilan ham usiz ham ishlatilishi mumkin:

A:  Do you want to come out with us?

B:  It depends where you’re going.   or It depends on where you’re going

A: Biz bilan chiqishni hohlaysizmi?

B: Bu sizni qayerga ketayotganizga bog’liq.

Exercise 1. Rasmlarga qarang va gaplarni to/for/at va boshqalar bilan to’ldiring.

Answers 2 to
3 for
4 to
5 at
6 for

Exercise 2. Gaplarni to/for/about va boshqalar bilan to’ldiring. Quyida 2ta gap allaqachon to’lgan va so’z qo’yish shartmas.

Answers 2 to
3 to
4 – (already complete)
5 for
6 to
7 of/about
8 for
9 on
10 to
11 for
12 – (already complete)
13 to
14 on
15 of/about

114-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

Wait here ____ me - I'll be back in a minute.

2 / 10

We are looking ____ a new house in the suburb of the city.

3 / 10

Look _____ all this rubbish on the floor.

4 / 10

Did you listen _____ the news this morning?

5 / 10

She talked _____ her mother on the phone last week.

6 / 10

What happened _____ your jacket? There is a big rip in the sleeve.

7 / 10

The book belongs _____ Sarah - I must give it back to her.

8 / 10

He thanked me ____ taking him home.

9 / 10

He has asked his father ____ a bike for his birthday.

10 / 10

Whether or not we go to Spain for our holiday depends _____ the cost.

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