110-lesson. in / at / on (places 2)

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

O’tgan darsimizda in/at/on predloglarining joyga nisbatan ishlatilishini o’tgandik. Bugungi darsimizda hech qanday qoida yo’q. Faqat  in/at/on predloglari bilan kelgan jumlalarni tarjimasi va qo’llanishi bilan yodlasangiz kifoya.

  • In

‘Where’s Kate?’     ‘She’s in bed.’

‘Keyt qayerda?’     ‘U yotoqda.’

David’s father is ill.  He’s in hospital.

Devidning otasi kasal. U shifoxonada.

I like to look at the stars in the sky at night.

Men tunda osmondagi yulduzlarga qarashni yoqtiraman.

What’s the largest city in the world?

Dunyodagi eng katta shahar qaysi?

I read about the accident in the newspaper.

Men gazetada baxtsiz hodisa haqida o’qidim.

You look sad in this picture.

Siz bu rasmda hafaga o’xshaysiz.

Did you come here in your car?

Siz bu yerga mashinangizda keldingizmi?

There’s a big tree in the middle of the garden

Bog’ning o’rtasida katta daraxt bor.

  • At

Will you be at home this evening?

Bugun kechqurun uyda bo’lasizmi?

‘Where’s Kate?’     ‘She’s at work.’

‘Keyt qayerda?      ‘U ishda.’

Helen is studying law at university.

Helen universtitetda huquqshunoslikni o’qiyapti.

I’ll meet you at the station, OK?

Siz bilan bekatda ko’rishamiz, maylimi?

A:  Where were you yesterday?

B:  At my sister’s.

A: Kecha qayerda edingiz?

B: Singlimnikida.

I saw Tom at the doctor’s.

Men Tomni shifokor huzurida ko’rdim.

There weren’t many people at the party.

Bazmda ko’p odamlar bo’lmadi.

Binolar (hotels, restaurants etc.) uchun in yoki at dan tez-tez foydalanish mumkin:

We stayed at a nice hotel.   or   We stayed in a nice hotel

Biz yaxshi mehmonxonada qoldik.

  • On

Did you come here on the bus?

Siz bu yerga avtobusda keldingizmi?

The office is on the first floor.

Ofis ikkinchi qavatda.

I met Anna on the way to work / on the way home.

Men Annani ishga/uyga yo’limda uchratdim.

Exercise 1. Rasmlarga qarang va savollarga javob bering. in/at/on dan foydalaning.

Answers 2 At the airport.
3 In bed
4 On a ship.
5 In the sky.
6 At a party.
7 At the doctor’s.
8 On the second floor.
9 At work.
10 On a plane.
11 In a taxi.
12 At a wedding.

Exercise 2. In/at/on ni yozing.

Answers 2 in 9 in
3 in 10 in
4 at 11 on
5 at 12 on
6 in 13 at
7 at 14 in
8 at 15 on

110-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

I'll stay ___ home to look after the children.

2 / 10

He was ___ hospital for two weeks. Now he is well.

3 / 10

-How do you get to work?

-___ the bus.

4 / 10

Which floor are we ___?

5 / 10

He studied ___ Harvard University.

6 / 10

I met an old friend of mine ___ the way home.

7 / 10

-Were you ___ Barbar's 21st birthday party?

-No, I wasn't invited to it.

8 / 10

I was ___ the doctor's for a check-up yesterday.

9 / 10

Look at all the clouds ___ the sky.

10 / 10

Switzerland is one of the most beautiful places ___ the world.

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