Ingliz tilida joy predloglari

109-lesson. in / at / on (places 1)

Ingliz tili grammatikasi
  • In (-da/ichida) predlogi joy uchun ham qo’llaniladi. Bunda ikki xil holatdagi joylarga nisbatan ishlatiladi:

1. yopiq joylarning ichiga ishora qilinganda;

2. o’zi ochiq bo’lsada katta-kichik maydonlarga va davlatlarga ishora qilinganda.

‘Where’s David?’     ‘In the kitchen. / In the garden. / In London.’

‘Devid qayerda?’    ‘Oshxonada. / Bog’da. / Londonda.’

What’s in that box / in that bag / in that cupboard?

Anavi qutida / sumkada / javonda nima bor?

Rachel works in a shop / in a bank / in a factory.

Reychel do’konda / bankda / zavodda ishlaydi.

I went for a swim in the river / in the pool / in the sea.

Men daryoda / hovuzda / dengizda suzish uchun bordim.

Milan is in the north of Italy.  Naples is in the south.

Milan Italiyaning shimolida. Naples janubda.

I live in a big city, but I’d like to live in the country.

Men katta shaharda yashayman, ammo qishloqda yashashni hohlayman.

  • At (-da/yonida) biror joyning yonidaligiga ishora qilish uchun ishlatiladi:

There’s somebody at the bus stop / at the door.

Bekatda / eshik yonida kimdir bor.

The car is waiting at the traffic lights.

Mashina chiroqlar yonida kutyapti.

Vicky is working at her desk.

Viky ish stolida ishlayapti.

  • at the top / at the bottom / at the end (of …) birikmasining qo’llanishi:

Write your name at the top of the page.

Ismingizni sahifaning tepasiga yozing.

My house is at the end of the street.

Mening uyim ko’chaning oxirida.

  • On predlogi ustida/…da ma’nosida kelib, biror joyning yoki narsaning ustidaligiga ishora qilinadi. Ba’zan tepadagi yoki yondagi joyga nisbatan ishlatilganda, buyumning osilganligini bildiradi:

There are some books on the shelf and some pictures on the wall.

Javonda bir qancha kitoblar bor va devorda bir qancha rasmlar bor.

There are a lot of apples on those trees.

Anavi daraxtda ko’pgina olmalar bor.

Don’t sit on the grass.  It’s wet.

Maysaga o’tirma. U nam.

There is a stamp on the envelope.

Konvertda muhr bor.

  • on a horse / on a bicycle / on a motorbike:

Who is that man on the motorbike?

Mototsikldagi anavi odam kim?

Exercise 1. Rasmlarga qarang va savollarga javob bering. In/at/on dan foydalaning.

Answers 2 In the box.
3 On the box.
4 On the wall.
5 At the bus stop.
6 In the field.
7 On the balcony.
8 In the pool.
9 At the window.
10 On the ceiling.
11 On the table.
12 At the table.

Exercise 2. In/at/on ni yozing.

Answers 2 in
3 on
4 in
5 on
6 at
7 in
8 in
9 at
10 at
11 in
12 at
13 on
14 at
15 on the wall in the living room

109-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

She ssat ___ her desk writing letters.

2 / 10

We lay ___ the grass in the sunshine.

3 / 10

You should keep your savings ___ a bank.

4 / 10

My father works ___ the factory.

5 / 10

There were several large paintings ___ the wall.

6 / 10

There is too much food ___ my plate.

7 / 10

Turn left ___ the traffic lights.

8 / 10

I'll pay you ___ the end ___ the next month.

9 / 10

They were waiting for him ___ the top ___ the stairs.

10 / 10

Mum is ___ the kitchen cooking the dinner.

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