106-Dars. at/ on/ in vaqt predloglari

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Bugungi darsimiz at/on/in predloglarining vaqtga nisbatan qo’llanishi haqida.

  • At predlogi -da ma’nosida kelib, soatga nisbatan ishlatiladi:
  • On predlogi -da ma’nosida kelib, hafta kunlari, sanasi ko’rsatilgan oylar va -day (kun) yozilgan kunlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi:
  • In predlogi -da ma’nosida kelib, oylar, yillar, fasllarga nisbatan ishlatiladi:


Are you going away at the weekend?

Dam olish kunlarida jo’nab ketyapsizmi?

I can’t sleep at night.

Men tunda uxlay olmayman.

Where will you be at Christmas? (but on Christmas Day)

Razjestvoda qayerda bo’lasiz? (ammo on Christmas Day)

I’m going on holiday at the end of October.

Oktabrning oxirida ta’tilga ketyapman.

Are you busy at the moment?

Ayni damda bandmisiz?

Qotib qolgan birikmalar:

in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening

I always feel good in the morning.

Men har doim ertalab o’zimni yaxshi his qilaman.

Do you often go out in the evening?

Kechqurun tez-tez ko’chaga chiqib turasizmi?

  • Ammo hafta kunlari va kun qismlari birgalikda kelganda on ishlatiladi:

on Monday morning / on Tuesday afternoon / on Friday evening / on Saturday night etc. :

I’m meeting Jackie on Monday morning.

Dushanba ertalab Jaki bilan ko’rishaman.

Are you doing anything on Saturday night?

Shanba tunda nimadir qilasizmi?

  • Biz at/on/in dan quyidagilardan oldin foydalanmaymiz:

Are you going out this evening?

Bugun kechqurun tashqariga chiqasizmi?

We go on holiday every summerLast summer we went to Canada.

Biz har yozda ta’tilga chiqamiz. O’tgan yoz biz Kanadaga bordik.

I’m leaving next Monday. (not on next Monday)

Men keyingi Dushanba jo’nab ketyapman. (on next Monday emas)

  • In predlogi kelasi zamon ma’nosida ham ishlatiladi. Bunda ma’nosi -da, -ichida, -dan so’ng bo’ladi:

in five minutes / in a few days / in six weeks / in two years etc.

Hurry!  The train leaves in five minutes. (= it leaves five minutes from now)

Shoshiling! Poyezd 5 daqiqa ichida jo’nab ketadi. (= u hozirdan besh daqiqa o’tganda jo’nab ketadi)

Bye!  I’ll see you in a few days. (= a few days from now)

Hayr! Bir necha kundan so’ng ko’rishguncha. (= hozirdan bir necha kun o’tganda)

Exercise 1. At/on/in ni yozing.

Answers 3 at 11 at
4 on 12 in
5 in 13 on
6 in 14 on
7 on 15 at
8 on 16 at
9 at 17 at*
10 on 18 in

Exercise 2. At/on/in ni yozing.

Answers 2 on 11 at*
3 at 12 on
4 in 13 in
5 in 14 at
6 in 15 in
7 on 16 on
8 on 17 in
9 in 18 at
10 at 19 at
* American speakers say ‘on the weekend’

Exercise 3. Lizaning keying hafta uchun yozilgan rejalariga qarang va gaplarni to’ldiring.

Answers 2 on Friday
3 on Monday
4 at 4 o’clock on Thursday (afternoon) / on Thursday (afternoon) at 4 o’clock
5 on Saturday evening
6 at 2.30 on Tuesday (afternoon) / on Tuesday (afternoon) at 2.30

106-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

Mozart was born in Salzburg ___ 1756.

2 / 10

They left the party ___ midnight.

3 / 10

I'm busy just now but I'll be with you ___ a moment

4 / 10

I get two weeks off school ___ Easter.

5 / 10

I'm afraid she is not here ____ the moment.

6 / 10

What time do you usually get up ___ every day?

7 / 10

He's going to a football match ____ the weekend.

8 / 10

I'll pay ___ the end of next month.

9 / 10

___ Christmas Day, 25 December, people have a special meal.

10 / 10

People usually visit their families ___ Christmas.

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