Not any, no, none ishlatilishi haqida

82-Dars. Not any / no / none

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

81 – darsda o’rganganimizdek not + any “umuman, hech qancha” degan ma’nolarni anglatadi.

Tracey and Jack don’t have any children. Tresiy va Jekning umuman bolalari yo’q.

  • no + noun bilan not + any ning gapda ma’nosi bir xil:

There are no cars in the car park. (= there aren’t any cars)

Mashina qo’yish joyida mashinalar yo’q. (= umuman mashinalar yo’q)

We have no coffee.   (= we don’t have any coffee)

Bizda qahva yo’q. (= bizda umuman qahva yo’q)

It’s a nice house, but there’s no garden. (= there isn’t a garden)

Bu yaxshi uy, ammo bog’i yo’q. (= bog’ yo’q)

No asosan have hamda there’s/are dan keyin ishlatiladi.

  • inkor fe’l + any = ijobiy fe’l + no holatida ma’no bir xil bo’ladi. Bitta gapda hech qachon ikkita inkor bo’lmaydi:

They don’t have any children.   or   They have no children. (not they don’t have no children)

Ularni umuman bolalari yo’q. yoki Ularni bolalari yo’q. (“they don’t have no children” emas)

No hamda none ning ishlatilishi:

  • no faqat otlar bilan ishlatiladi, ya’ni – no + noun(ot):

We have no money. Bizda pul yo’q.

Everything was OK.  There were no problems. Hammasi joyida. Muammolar yo’q.

  • none noun(ot)siz ishlatiladi:

‘How much money do you have?’     ‘None.’    (= no money)

‘Senda qancha pul bor?’ ‘Umuman yo’q.’ (= pul yo’q)

‘Were there any problems?’     ‘No, none.’   (= no problems)

‘Birorta muammolar bormidi? ‘Yo’q, umuman.’ (= muammolar yo’q)

None va no-one

  • none = 0 (zero-nol) / no-one = nobody (hechkim)

none ‘how many? / how much?’ uchun javob sifatida ham ishlatiladi. (narsalar yoki odamlarga nisbatan)

A:  How much money do you have? Sizda qancha opul bor?

B:  None.    (= no money) umuman yo’q. (= pul yo’q)

A:  How many people did you meet? (Siz qancha odam bilan uchrashdingiz?)

B:  None.    (= no people) umuman yo’q. (= odamlar yo’q)

  • no-one ‘Who?’ so’rog’i uchun ishlatiladi:

A:  Who did you meet? Siz kim bilan ko’rishdingiz?

B:  No-one.    (or Nobody.) Hech kim bilan (yoki nobody)

Exercise 1.1. Ushbu gaplarni no bilan qayta yozing.

Answers 2. There are no shops near here.
3. Carla has no free time. / Carla has got no free time.
4. There’s no light in this room.

Exercise 1.2. Ushbu gaplarni any bilan qayta yozing.

Answers 6. There isn’t any milk in the fridge.
7. There aren’t any buses today.
8. Tom doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. / Tom hasn’t got any brothers or sisters.

Exercise 2. Ushbu savollarga qisqa javoblar (bitta yoki ikkita so’z) yozing. Agar zarur bo’lsa none dan foydalaning.

Example answers 2. Three.
3. Two cups.
4. None
5. None

Exercise 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Any yoki no + to’rtburchak ichidagi so’zlardan foydalaning.

Answers 2. no money
3. any questions
4. no friends
5. no difference
6. any furniture
7. no idea
8. any heating
9. no queue

82-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

-Thanks for taking me home.

-... problem.

2 / 10

-How many eggs have we got?

-... .

3 / 10

She couldn't make a pancake because there were not ... eggs.

4 / 10

She couldn't make a pancake because there were ... eggs.

5 / 10

There was ... mention of money.

6 / 10

-How much luggage have you got?

-... .

7 / 10

All the tickets have been sold. There are ... left.

8 / 10

She told ... about her plans.

9 / 10

I haven't got ... money. Can you lend me ... ?

10 / 10

It was Sunday, so there were ... shops open.

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