93-lesson. Not as … as

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Bugungi mavzuyimiz sifatning qiyosiy darajasining yana bir turi haqida, faqat bu 93-darsdan biroz farqli. Ikki ‘as’ ning orasiga doim sifatning oddiy shaklini qo’yib ishlatiladi, ma’nosi –dek/-chalik … emas.

  • not as + adj + as = dek/…chalik … emas:

Rome is not as old as Athens. (= Athens is older)

Rim Azendek eski emas. (= Azen eskiroq)

The Grand Hotel isn’t as expensive as the Europa. (= the Europa is more expensive)

Grand mehmonxonasi Yevropadek qimmat emas. (= Yevropa qimmatroq)

I don’t play tennis as often as you. (= you play more often)

Men senchalik tez-tez tennis o’ynamayman. (= sen ko’proq tez-tez o’ynaysan)

The weather is better than it was yesterday.  It isn’t as cold. (= as cold as it was yesterday)

Ob-havo kechaga qaraganda yaxshiroq. Kechagichalik sovuq emas. (= kechagidek sovuq)

  • not as much as … / not as many as …

I don’t have as much money as you.   (= you’ve got more money)

Menda senikichalik ko’p pul yo’q. (= senda ko’proq pul bor)

I don’t know as many people as you.   (= you know more people)

Men sendek ko’p odamlarni tanimayman. (= sen ko’proq odamlarni taniysan)

  • not as … as va than ni solishtiring:

Rome is not as old as Athens.

Rim Azendek eski emas.

Athens is older than Rome.   (not older as Rome)

Azen Rimga qaraganda eskiroq. (older as Rome emas)

Tennis isn’t as popular as football.

Tennis futboldek mashhur emas.

Football is more popular than tennis.

Futbol tennisga qaraganda mashhurroq.

Biz odatda aytamiz: as me / as him / as her etc.

  • Siz aytishingiz mumkin:

She’s not as old as him.   or   She’s not as old as he is.

U(ayol) u(erkak)dek keksa emas.  yoki  U(ayol) u(erkak)dek keksa emas.

You don’t work as hard as me.   or   You don’t work as hard as I do.

Siz mendek qattiq ishlamaysan. yoki Siz men qilgandek qattiq qattiq ish qilmaysiz.

  • Biz the same as … (-dek bir xil) deymiz:

The weather today is the same as yesterday.

Bugun ob-havo kechagidek bir xil.

My hair is the same colour as yours.

Sochlarim senikidek rangda.

I arrived at the same time as Tom.Men Tom bilan bir xil vaqtda yetib keldim.

Exercise 1. Rasmlarga qarang va A, B va C haqida gaplar yozing.

Answers 2 A is longer than B, but not as long as C.
3 C is heavier than A, but not as heavy as B.
4 A is older than C, but not as old as B.
5 B has got more money than C; but not as much as A. or … but less (money) than A.
6 C works harder than A, but not as hard as B.

Exercise 2. Gaplarni as … as … bilan yozing.

Answers 2 Your room isn’t as big as mine. /… as my room.
3 I didn’t get up as early as you. / … as you did.
4 They didn’t play as well as us. / … as we did.
5 You haven’t been here as long as me. /… as I have.
6 He isn’t as nervous as her. /… as she is.

Exercise 3. As yoki thanni yozing.

Answers 2 as
3 than
4 than
5 as
6 than
7 as
8 than

93-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

My birthday is 10 May. Bob's birthday is 10 May too. My birthday _________.

2 / 10

You and I both have light brown hair. Your hair ________.

3 / 10

She doesn't know much. I know more _________.

4 / 10

We were very afraid. Nobody was more afraid _________.

5 / 10

The meal didn't cost as much as I expected. The meaal ________ I expected.

6 / 10

The bus stop was nearer than I thought. The bus stop wasn't _________ I thought.

7 / 10

Tim is younger than he looks. Tim isn't _________ he looks.

8 / 10

He is not _______me.

9 / 10

I haven't got _______ you have.

10 / 10

She doesn't earn as ______ as I do.

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