Sifatning qiyosiy darajasi narsalarni solishtirishda ishlatilsa, sifatning orttirma darajasi esa asosan, narsalarning orasidan eng (yaxshi, yomon, yosh va hokazo) bo’lganini aytishda qo’llaniladi.
- Rasmdagi gaplarga e’tibor bering:

Bigger va more expensive etc. qiyosiy daraja shakli (93-dars)
Biggest va most expensive etc. orttirma daraja shakli
- Orttirma daraja qo’shimchasi -est(oldest) yoki most … (most expensive) holatida qo’shiladi.
- Qisqa (1 bo’g’inli) so’zlarga (old/cheap/nice etc.) → the -est qo’shiladi:
- old → the oldest cheap → the cheapest nice → the nicest
- ammo: good → the best / bad → the worst
- imlo: big → the biggest hot → the hottest
- -y bilan tugovchi so’zlarga (easy/heavy etc.) → the -iest qo’shiladi:
- easy → the easiest heavy → the heaviest pretty → the prettiest
- Uzun (2-3-4 bo’g’inli) so’zlarga (careful/expensive/interesting etc.) → the most … qo’shiladi:
- careful → the most careful interesting → the most interesting
- Har doim sifatning orttirma darajasi oldidan ‘the’ artikli ishlatiladi:
The church is very old. It’s the oldest building in the town. (= it is older than all the other buildings)
Cherkov juda eski. U qishloqdagi eng eski bino. (= u boshqa binolarga qaragandaa eskiroq)
What is the longest river in the world?
Dunyodagi eng uzun daryo qaysi?
Money is important, but it isn’t the most important thing in life.
Pul muhim, ammo u hayotdagi eng muhim narsa emas.
Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?
Kechirasiz, eng yaqin bank qayerda?
- Siz the oldest / the best / the most expensive etc. dan otsiz ham foydalanishingiz mumkin:
Luke is a good player, but he isn’t the best in the team. (the best = the best player)
Lyuk yaxshi o’yinchi, ammo u jamoadagi eng yaxshisi emas. (eng yaxshi=eng yaxshi o’yinchi)
- Siz orttirma daraja+ I’ve ever … / you’ve ever … etc. bilan birgalikda foydalanishingiz mumkin:
The film was very bad. I think it’s the worst film I’ve ever seen.
Kino juda yomon edi. Menimcha u men ko’rganlarimdan eng yomon kino.
What is the most unusual thing you’ve ever done?
Siz qilganlaringiz ichida eng noodatiy narsa nima?
Exercise 1. Gaplarni qiyosiy (older etc.) va orttirma (the oldest etc.) daraja bilan yozing.

2. C is longer than A.D is the longest.
B is the shortest.
3. D is younger than C.
B is the youngest.
C is the oldest.
4. D is more expensive than A.
C is the most expensive.
A is the cheapest.
5. A is better than C.
A is the best.
D is the worst.
Exercise 2. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Orttirma (the oldest etc.) darajadan foydalaning.

2 the happiest day3 the best film
4 the most popular singer
5 the worst mistake
6 the prettiest village
7 the coldest day
8 the most boring person