79-Dars. ‘The’ artiklining joy nomlari bilan qo’llanilishi

Ingliz tili grammatikasi


  • Odatda, joy nomlari (qit’a, davlatlar, orollar, shaharchalar) oldidan ‘the’ artikli ishlatilmaydi:

France, Egypt, Corsica, Peru, South America…

  • Biroq, ‘republic’ (Respublika)/‘states (shtatlar)’/‘kingdom’ (amirlik) so’zlari bo’lsa ‘the’ qo’llaniladi:

The Czech Republic, The United States of America (The USA), The United Kingdom…

  • Kichik shaharchadagi joylar (streets, buildings etc.)  oldidan ‘the’ qo’llanilmaydi:

Newton Street, Highfield Road, Times Square…

  • aeroport, stansiya, va boshqa ko’plab muhim binolar nomlari oldidan ‘the’ artikli ishlatilmaydi:

Kennedy Airport, Victoria Station, Westminster Abbey, Edinburgh Castle, London Zoo…

  • Shuningdek, universitetlar oldidan ham ‘the’ artikli qo’llanilmaydi:

Cambridge University, Harvard University…


  • Orollar, tog’lar, davlatlar ko’plikda kelsa  ‘the’ ishlatiladi:

the Netherlands, the Philippines, the Canary Islands, the Alps…

  • Daryo, dengiz, kanal, okean nomlari oldidan ham ‘the’ artikli ishlatiladi:

the Atlantic (Ocean), the (River) Nile, the Mediterranean (Sea), the Suez Canal, the Amazon, the Black Sea

  • Mehmonxona, muzey, teatr va kinoteatr nomlari oldidan ‘the’ artikli qo’llaniladi:

the Regent Hotel, the Science Museum, the National theatre, the Odeon (cinema)

  • ‘of’ predlogi bilan joy nomlari kelsa  ‘the’ artikli ishlatiladi:

the Museum of Modern Art, the Great Wall of China, the University of California, the Tower of London…

  • Dunyoning to’rt tomonlari (the north / the south / the east / the west (of …)) oldidan ‘the’ artikli ishlatiladi:

I’ve been to the north of Italy, but not to the south.

Exercise 1. Ushbu geografik savollarga javob bering. Yacheykadan tanlang. Agar zarur bo’lsa the dan foydalaning.

Answers 3. Sweden
4. The Amazon
5. Asia
6. The Pacific
7. The Rhine
8. Kenya
9. The United States
10. The Andes
11. Bangkok
12. The Alps
13. The Red Sea
14. Jamaica
15. The Bahamas

Exercise 2. Zarur bo’lgan joylarga the yozing. Agar jumla allaqachon to’g’ri bo’lsa, OK yozing.

Answers 3. OK
4. the Philippines
5. the south of France
6. the Regal Cinema
7. OK
8. the Museum of Art
9. OK
10. Belgium is smaller than the Netherlands.
11. the Mississippi… the Nile
12. the National Gallery
13 the Park Hotel in Hudson Road
14 OK
15 The Rocky Mountains are in North America.
16 OK
17 the United States
18 the west of Ireland
19 OK
20 The Panama Canal joins the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

79-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 14


2 / 14

Czech Republic

3 / 14

I live in ___ France.

4 / 14

I live on ___ Main Street.

5 / 14

High Street

6 / 14

Trafalgar Square

7 / 14

There you can see ___ Palace of Westminster!

8 / 14

And there is ___ Tower of London.

9 / 14

Bank of England

10 / 14

I'm standing on ___Westminster Bridge.

11 / 14

We saw this play in ___ Globe Theatre.

12 / 14

Nelson's Column

13 / 14


14 / 14

I like to swim in ___ Lake Baikal.

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