115-lesson. Phrasal verbs (go in, fall off, run away etc.)

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Bugungi darsimiz fe’lli iboralar mavzusida bo’ladi. Fe’lli iboralar ya’ni ‘phrasal verbs’ fe’l + predlog(lar) shaklida bo’ladi. Predlog va fe’l qo’shilgani hisobiga gapda ma’no ko’pincha o’zgaradi:

  • Go in – ichkariga kirmoq

I waited outside the shop.  I didn’t go in. – Men do’kon tashqrisida kutdim. Ichkariga kirmadim.

  • Get in – mashinaga chiqmoq

Sarah opened the door of the car and got in.   (= into the car)

Sara mashinaning eshigini ochdi va mashinaga chiqdi.

  • Get on – chiqmoq

The bus came, and I got on. – Avtobus keldi va men chiqdim.

  • Stand up – turmoq

He stood up and left the room. – U turdi va xonani tark etdi.

  • Get up – o’rindan turmoq

I usually get up early.   (= get out of bed) – Men odatda erta turaman.

  • Look up – boshini ko’tarib qaramoq

We looked up at the stars in the sky. – Biz osmondagi yulduzlarga qaradik.

  • Run away (or run off) – qochib ketmoq

The thief ran away.   – O’g’ri qochib ketdi.

  • Drive away (or drive off) – haydab ketmoq

Emma got into the car and drove away. (or … drove off)

Emma mashinaga chiqdi va haydab ketdi.

  • be/go away (= in/to another place) – biror joyga ketmoq/safarga ketmoq

Tom has gone away for a few days. – Tom bir necha kundan beri safarga ketgan.

  • Climb over – oshib o’tmoq

The wall wasn’t very high, so we climbed over.

Devor juda baland emas, shuning uchun biz oshib o’tdik.

  • Turn over – sahifani ochmoq/varoqlamoq

Turn over and look at the next page. – Sahifani och va keyingi betga qara.

  • Fall down – tushib ketmoq

The picture fell down. – Rasm tushib ketdi.

  • Sit down – o’tirmoq

Would you like to sit down? – O’tirishni hohlaysizmi?

  • Lie down – yotmoq

Lie down on the floor. – Polga yot.

  • Look out – tashqariga qaramoq

I went to the window and looked out. – Men derazaga bordim va tashqariga qaradim.

  • Got out – mashinadan tushmoq

The car stopped and a woman got out. (= out of the car)

Mashin to’xtadi va ayol mashinadan tushdi.

  • Fall off – yiqilmoq

Be careful!  Don’t fall off. – Ehtiyot bo’l! Yiqilib ketma?

  • Come back – qaytib kelmoq

Go away and don’t come back! – Ket va qaytib kelma.

  • Go back – qaytib kelmoq

We went out for dinner and then went back to our hotel.

Biz tushlik uchun tashqariga chiqdik va keyin mehmonxonamizga qaytib keldik.

  • Look (a)round – o’girilib qaramoq

Somebody shouted my name, so I looked round (or around).

Kimdir ismimni baqirib chaqirdi, shuning uchun o’girilib qaradim.

  • Turned (a)round – ortga qayrilmoq

We went for a long walk.  After an hour we turned round (or around) and went back.

Biz uzoq sayrga bordik. Bir soatdan so’ng biz ortga qayrildik va qaytib keldik.

Exercise 1. Rasmlarga qarang va gaplarni to’ldiring. Quyidagi fe’llar +  in/out/up va boshqalardan foydalaning.

Answers 2 went in
3 looked up
4 rode off/away
5 turned round/around
6 got off
7 sat down
8 got out

Exercise 2. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Predloglardan foydalaning.

Answers 2 away
3 round/around
4 going o u t… be back
5 down
6 over
7 back
8 in
9 up
10 going away … coming back

115-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 12

____ I will be with you in a minute.

2 / 12

I have tried many times to _____ smoking.

3 / 12

How long did the party _____ after I left?

4 / 12

Can't you _____ a bit? You are driving much too fast.

5 / 12

The plane ______ at 8:00 p.m.

6 / 12

I think we ______ the wrong bus.

7 / 12

How is Frank ______ in his new job?

8 / 12

________! We can't hear a thing at the back of the room.

9 / 12

The car _____ at the traffic lights.

10 / 12

I ______ the stairs and injured my back.

11 / 12

They are ______ for a few weeks in the summer.

12 / 12

The children ______ at the top of the stairs and waved to us.

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