Sifat + predlog

113-lesson. Sifat + predlog (afraid of … , good at … etc.).

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Bugungi darsimiz sifatlar bilan keladigan predloglar haqida bo’ladi.

Quyida beriladigan adjective + preposition ni tarjimasi bilan yodlab olishingiz zarur:

  • Predlog(of/at/for etc.)dan keyingi  fe’l -ing bilan yoziladi:

Exercise 1. Rasmlarga qarang va gaplarni of/with/in va boshqalar bilan to’ldiring.

Answers 2 in
3 to
4 at
5 with
6 of

Exercise 2. Gaplarni in/of/with va boshqalar bilaan to’ldiring.

Answers 2 at
3 to
4 about
5 of
6 of
7 from/to (You can also say different than …)
8 in
9 for
10 about
11 of
12 for/about getting angry with you

Exercise 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring.

Answers 2 interested in going
3 good at getting
4 fed up with waiting
5 sorry for/about waking
6 Thank you for waiting.

113-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 15

Sophie is afraid ______ spiders since she was a baby.

2 / 15

Our Science teacher is angry _____ all the students.

3 / 15

My father is really bad ____ riding bikes.

4 / 15

My brother broke my bracelet. I was very angry_________ him.

5 / 15

My neighbour is very kind ____ all abandoned animals. She buys food for them.

6 / 15

I'm rather fed up ____ your complaints.

7 / 15

Ali and Vali are quite different ____ each other.

8 / 15

-How long have you been married ____ Nick?

-For 15 years.

9 / 15

He was angry ____ the delay.

10 / 15

He is interested in ____ stamps.

11 / 15

We lived in Chimkent before ____ here.

12 / 15

My friend is very good at ____ jokes.

13 / 15

After ____ our dinner we went into the garden.

14 / 15

You shouldn't drive for more than three hours without _____ a break.

15 / 15

I'm thinking ____ buying a computer.

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