104-lesson. Relative clauses (A person who … a thing that/which … )

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Relative clauses 2 ta gapni bir biriga bog’lashda, ya’ni bitta gap qilishda ishlatiladi. Bunda ma’nosi – qaysiki / -gan bo’ladi. Asosan, kimnidir yoki nimanidir aniqlashtirib berishda ishlatiladi.

Rasmga qarang:

  • Who insonlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi:

Do you know the woman who works at the cinema?

Kinoteatrda ishlaydigan ayolni taniysizmi?

  • That insonlar va narsalar uchun ishlatiladi:

Siz thatni insonlar uchun ishlatishingiz mumkin, ammo who odatiyroq.

  • Which faqat hayvonlar yoki narsalar uchun ishlatiladi (insonlar uchun emas):

I’ve bought a new computer which cost $700.

Men yangi kompyuterni sotib oldim, qaysiki 700$ga narxlangan.

Exercise 1. To’rtburchak ichidan tanlang va gaplarni yozing: A … is a person who … . Agar kerak bo’lsa lug’atdan foydalaning.

Answers 2 A butcher is a person who sells meat.
3 A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument.
4 A patient is a person who is ill in hospital.
5 A dentist is a person who takes care of your teeth.
6 A fool is a person who does stupid things.
7 A genius is a person who is very intelligent.
8 A liar is a person who doesn’t tell the truth.

Exercise 2. Ikkita gapdan bitta gap yasang.

Answers 2 The woman who opened the door was wearing a yellow dress.
3 Most of the students who took the exam passed (it).
4 The policeman who stopped our car wasn’t very friendly.

Exercise 3. Who yoki whichni yozing.

Answers 2 who
3 which
4 which
5 who
6 which
7 who
8 who
9 which
that is also correct in all these sentences.

104-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 9

Do you know anyone _________ speaks Japanese?

2 / 9

All the cats .............. were sleeping were purring quietly.

3 / 9

There were lots of fantastic costumes at the fancy dress party, some of ........... were obviously homemade.

4 / 9

The man ................. was speaking loudly on his mobile phone was a journalist.

5 / 9

Do you know the shop ____ Andrew picked me up?

6 / 9

Ushbu gap to'g'rimi yoki noto'g'ri?

"We met a traveler who’s bag was stolen."

7 / 9

Ushbu gap to'g'rimi yoki noto'g'ri?

"We cannot accept the offer you made."

8 / 9

The day __________ I arrived was very nice.

9 / 9

Pizza Hut is the restaurant __________ we had dinner last night.

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