Ingliz tilida sifat darajalari 3 turga bo’linadi – oddiy, qiyosiy va orttirma. Oddiy darajani 85-unit da o’tgan edik. Bugun esa qiyosiy darajani o’rganamiz. Sifatning qiyosiy darajasi ikkita narsani solishtirishda ishlatiladi va sifatga -er qo’shimchasi yoki more qo’shimchasi qo’shish orqali hosil bo’ladi.
Older / heavier / more expensive sifatning qiyosiy darajasidir.
- Qisqa so’zlarga (ya’ni bir bo’g’inli) -er qo’shimchasi qo’shiladi:
- Agar so’zning oxiri -y bilan tugasa -y tushib qolib, -ier qo’shiladi:
Rome is old, but Athens is older. (not more old)
Rim eski, ammo Azens eskiroq. (more old emas)
Is it cheaper to go by car or by train? (not more cheap)
Mashina orqali boorish arzonroqmi yoki poyezd orqalimi? (more cheap emas)
Helen wants a bigger car.
Helen kattaroq mashina hohlaydi.
This coat is OK, but I think the other one is nicer.
Bu palto yaxshi, ammo menimcha boshqasi yaxshiroq.
Don’t take the bus. It’s easier to take a taxi. (not more easy)
Avtobusni to’xtatma. Taksi ushlash osonroq. (more easy emas)
- Istisno holat: far → further:
A: How far is it to the station? A mile? A: Bekatgacha qanchalik uzoq?
B: No, it’s further. About two miles. B: Yo’q, uzoqroq. Tahminan 2mil.
- Uzun so’zlar (ya’ni 2/3/4 bo’g’inli) uchun sifatning oldidan more qo’yiladi:
You must be more careful.
Siz diqqatliroq bo’lishingiz kerak.
I don’t like my job. I want to do something more interesting.
Men ishimni yoqtirmayman. Men qiziqarliroq ish qilishni hohlayman.
Is it more expensive to go by car or by train?
Mashinada borish qimmatroqmi yoki poyezddami?
- good/well → better / bad → worse
The weather wasn’t very good yesterday, but it’s better today.
Kecha ob-havo juda yomon (yaxshi emas) edi, ammo bugun yaxshiroq.
‘Do you feel better today?’ ‘No, I feel worse.’
‘Bugun o’zingni yaxshiroq his qilyapsanmi?’ ‘Yoq, yomonroq his qilyapman.’
Which is worse – a headache or a toothache?
Qaysi biri yomonroq – bosh og’rig’imi yoki tish og’rig’imi?
Biz asosan ikkita narsani solishtirishda sifatdan keyin than(-ga qaraganda)dan foydalanamiz:
Athens is older than Rome.
Azen Rimga qaraganda eskiroq.
Are oranges more expensive than bananas?
Apelsin bananga qaraganda qimmatroqmi?
It’s easier to take a taxi than to take the bus.
Avtobus ushlashga qaraganda taksi ushlash osonroq.
- Biz odatda aytamiz: than me / than him / than her / than us / than them.
Siz aytishingiz mumkin:
I can run faster than him. or I can run faster than he can.
Men unga qaraganda tezroq yugura olaman.
You are a better singer than me. or You are a better singer than I am.
Siz menga qaraganda yaxshiroq qo’shiqchisiz.
- more/less than … (-ga qaraganda ko’proq/ozroq)
The film was very short – less than an hour.
Film juda qisqa edi – 1 soatga qaraganda ozroq
You go out more than me.
Siz menga qaraganda ko’proq tashqariga chiqasiz.
- a bit(biroz) / much(ancha) + sifatning qiyosiy darajasi:
Canada is much bigger than France.
Kanada Fransiyadan ancha kattaroq.
Sue is a bit older than Joe – she’s 25 and he’s 24.
Syu Joga qaraganda biroz katta – u(qiz) 25 va u(yigit) 24.
The hotel was much more expensive than I expected.
Mehmonxona men kutganimga qaraganda anchagina qimmatroq.
Exercise 2. Rasmlarga qarang va qiyosiy daraja(older / more interesting etc.)ni yozing.
2 bigger3 slower
4 more expensive
5 higher
6 more dangerous
Exercise 2. Qiyosiy darajani yozing.
2 stronger3 happier
4 more modern
5 more important
6 better
7 larger
8 more serious
9 prettier
10 more crowded
Exercise 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Thandan foydalaning.
2 hotter/warmer3 more expensive
4 worse
5 further
6 more difficult or harder