97-lesson. Ingliz tilida gap tuzilishi.

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Bugungi darsimizda gapning yasalish tartibini o’rganamiz. Ingliz tilidagi har bir gapda avvalo ega (shaxs yoki narsa) bo’ladi. Egadan so’ng esa verb+noun ya’ni kesim+to’ldiruvchi keladi.

  • Kesim (bought) va to’ldiruvchi (some new shoes) odatda birgalikda keladi. Biz aytamiz:

Sue bought some new shoes yesterday. (not Sue bought yesterday some new shoes)

Syu kecha bir qancha yangi oyoq kiyimlar sotib oldi. (Sue bought yesterday some new shoes emas)

Where? (Qayerga?) va When? (Qachon?)

  • Joy nomi (where?) odatda vaqtdan (when?) oldin keladi. Biz aytamiz:

We went to a party last night.   (not We went last night to a party)

Biz o’tgan tunda bazmga bordik.  (We went last night to a party emas)

  • Ushbu so’zlar (always/never etc.) gapning o’rtasida fe’l bilan birgalikda keladi:

My brother never speaks to me.

Mening akam hech qachon menga gapirmaydi.

She’s always late.

U har doim kech qoladi.

Do you often go to restaurants?

Siz tez-tez restoranlarga borasizmi?

I sometimes eat too much.   (or Sometimes I eat too much.)

Men ba’zida juda ko’p yeyman. (yoki Ba’zida men juda ko’p yeyman)

  • Always/never etc. fe’ldan oldin keladi:

They usually have dinner at 7 o’clock.

Ular odatda soat 7 da tushlik qilishadi.

We rarely watch TV.   or  We seldom watch TV.

Biz kamdan-kam televizor ko’ramiz. yoki Biz kamdan-kam televizor ko’ramiz.

Richard is a good footballer.  He also plays tennis and volleyball. (not He plays also tennis)

Richard yaxshi futbolchi. U yana tennis va volleybol o’ynaydi. (He plays also tennis emas)

I’ve got three sisters.  They all live in London.

Mening 3ta singlim bor. Ularning hammasi Londonda yashaydi.

  • Always/never etc. 2 ta fe’lning o’rtasida keladi (have … been / can … find etc.):

I will always remember you.

Men har doim seni eslab turaman.

It doesn’t often rain here.

Yomg’ir bu yerda tez-tez yog’maydi.

Do you usually go to work by car?

Siz har doim ishga mashinada borasizmi?

I can never find my keys.

Men hech qachon kalitlarimni topa olmayman.

Exercise 1. To’g’ri yoki noto’g’ri? Noto’g’ri bo’lgan gaplarni to’g’rilang.

Answers 3 I like this picture very much.
4 Tom started his new job last week.
5 OK
6 Jessica bought a present for her friend, or Jessica bought her friend a present.
7 I drink three cups of coffee every day.
8 OK
9 I borrowed fifty pounds from my brother.

Exercise 2. So’zlarni tartib bilan qo’ying.

Answers 2 I got a new phone last week.
3 Paul finished his work quickly.
4 Emily doesn’t speak French very well.
5 I did a lot of shopping yesterday.
6 Do you know London well?
7 We enjoyed the party very much.
8 I explained the problem carefully.
9 We met some friends at the airport.
10 Did you buy that jacket in England?
11 We do the same thing every day.
12 I don’t like football very much.

Exercise 3. So’zlarni tartib bilan qo’ying.

Answers 2 I arrived at the hotel early.
3 Julia goes to Italy every year.
4 We have lived here since 1998.
5 Sue was born in London in 1990.
6 Paul didn’t go to work yesterday.

Exercise 4. Paulning savollarga javoblarini o’qing. Often/never etc. bilan Paul haqida gaplarni yozing.

Answers 2 He always gets up early.
3 He’s/He is never late for work.
4 He sometimes gets angry.
5 He rarely goes swimming.
6 He’s/He is usually at home in the evenings.

Exercise 5. Never/always/usually etc. so’zlari bilan gaplarni yozing.

Answers 2 Susan is always polite.
3 I usually finish work at 5 o’clock.
4 Sarah has just started a new job.
5 I rarely go to bed before midnight.
6 The bus isn’t usually late.
7 I don’t often eat fish.
8 I will never forget what you said.
9 Have you ever lost your passport?
10 Do you still work in the same place?
11 They always stay in the same hotel.
12 Jane doesn’t usually work on Saturdays.
13 Is Tina already here?
14 What do you usually have for breakfast?
15 I can never remember his name.

Exercise 6. Also bilan gaplarni yozing.

Answers 2 Yes, and I also speak French.
3 Yes, and I’m also hungry.
4 Yes, and I’ve also been to Ireland.
5 Yes, and I also bought some books.

97-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

goes/by car/to work/Bob/always

2 / 10

I/when/get up/have a shower/usually/I

3 / 10


4 / 10

your/at the top/please/name/write/of the page

5 / 10

To'g'ri tuzilgan gapni toping.

6 / 10

To'g'ri tuzilgan gapni toping.

7 / 10

to the Zoo/took/Barbara/the children/yesterday

8 / 10

her/to work/everyday/Ann/car/drives

9 / 10

To'g'ri tuzilgan gapni toping.

10 / 10

To'g'ri tuzilgan gapni toping.

Your score is

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