sifatlar - old, nice, interesting

90-lesson. Ingliz tilida sifatlar. (old/nice/interesting etc.)

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Ingliz tilida sifatlar otning aniqlovchisi hisoblanib, ‘qanday? qanaqa?’ so’roqlariga javob bo’ladi. Sifat otlarning xususiyatini ta’riflash va jihatlarini aytib berish uchun qo’llaniladi. Sifat har doim otdan oldin keladi:

They live in a modern house.   (not a house modern)

Ular zamonaviy uyda yashashadi. (a house modern emas)

Have you met any famous people?   (not people famous)

Siz birorta mashxur odamlar bilan ushrashganmisiz? (people famous emas)

Sifatning tugashi doim bir xil bo’ladi:

a different place        different places (differents emas)

be (am/is/was etc.) + sifat:

The weather is nice today.

Bugun ob-havo yaxshi.

These flowers are very beautiful.

Bu gullar juda chiroyli.

Are you cold?  Shall I close the window?

Siz sovuqqotmadingizmi? Derazani yopsam maylimi?

  • look/feel/smell/taste/sound + sifat:

A:  You look tired.   B:  Yes, I feel tired.

A: Charchaganga o’xshaysiz.  B: Ha, men charchoqni his qilyapman.

Joe told me about his new job.  It sounds very interesting.

Joe mengaa yangi ishi haqida aytdi. U juda qiziqarliga o’xshaydi.

I’m not going to eat this fish.  It doesn’t smell good.

Men bu baliqni yemoqchi emasman. Undan yaxshi hid kelmayapti.


Exercise 1. So’zlarni to’g’ri tartibda joylang.

Answers 2 I like that green jacket.
3 Do you like classical music?
4 I had a wonderful holiday.
5 We went to a Japanese restaurant.

Exercise 2. To’rtburchak ichidag so’zlar sifatlar yoki otlar. Har bir gapni toldirish uchun ot va sifatdan foydalaning.

Answers 2 black clouds
3 long holiday
4 hot water
5 fresh air
6 sharp knife
7 dangerous job

Exercise 3. Rasmlar uchun gaplar yozing. To’rtburchak ichidan tanlang.

Answers 2 It looks new.
3 I feel ill.
4 You look surprised.
5 They smell nice.
6 It tastes horrible.

90-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

U o'zini baxtli/charchagan/haqoratlangan his qildi.

2 / 10

The suitcase is so ... . I can hardly lift it.

3 / 10

These scissors are ... - they need sharpening.

4 / 10

This work is ... but ... .

5 / 10

This tangerine has ... .

6 / 10

These oranges ... .

7 / 10

That cake ... .

8 / 10

Her voice ... more ... than before.

9 / 10

As the plane took off, I felt very ... because I was finally going to London.

10 / 10

-How does this hat look on me?

-It ... .

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