a lot / much / many ishlatilishi

88-lesson. a lot / much / many

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Biz much dan so’ng har doim sanalmaydigan otlardan foydalamiz:

Did you buy much food?

Ko’p ovqat olib keldingizmi?

We don’t have much luggage.

Ko’p yukimiz yo’q.

How much money do you want?

Qancha pul hohlaysiz?

A: Do you have any money?

B: I have some, but not much.

A: Pulingiz bormi?

B: Biroz bor, ammo ko’p emas.

Biz many dan so’ng har doim sanaladigan otlardan foydalanamiz:

Did you buy many books?

Ko’p kitoblar sotib oldingizmi?

We don’t know many people.

Biz ko’p odamlarni tanimaymiz.

How many photos did you take?

Nechta rasm oldingiz?

A: Did you take any photos?

B: I took some, but not many.

A: Suratlar oldingizmi?

B: Bir qancha oldim, ammo ko’p emas.

Biz a lot of dan so’ng sanaladigan otni ham, sanalmaydigan otni ham ishlatamiz:

We bought a lot of food.

Biz ko’p ovqat sotib oldik.

Paula doesn’t have a lot of free time.

Paulaning ko’p bo’sh vaqti yo’q.

We bought a lot of books.

Biz ko’pgina kitoblar sotib oldik.

Did they ask a lot of questions?

Ular ko’p savollar so’rashdimi?

Biz aytamiz:

  • Agar gapda a lot of bilan sanalmaydigan ot kelsa, fe’lning birlik shakli qo’llaniladi:

There is a lot of food/money/water … (singular verb)

Ko’p ovqat/pul/suv … bor (birlik fe’l)

  • Agar gapda a lot of bilan sanaladigan ot kelsa, fe’lning ko’plik shakli qo’llaniladi:

There are a lot of trees/shops/people …   (plural verb)

Ko’pgina daraxtlar/do’konlar/odamlar … bor  (ko’plik fe’l)

A lot of people speak English. (not speaks)

Ko’pgina odamlar Ingliz tilida gaplashadi. (speaks emas)

Biz much ni inkor va so’roq gaplarda ishlatamiz:

Do you drink much coffee?

Ko’p qahva ichasanmi?

I don’t drink much coffee.

Ko’p qahva ichmayman.

  • Ammo, biz ijobiy(darak) gaplarda much dan kamdan-kam foydalanamiz.

I drink a lot of coffee.   (not I drink much coffee)

Men ko’p qahva ichaman. (I drink much coffee emas)

‘Do you drink much coffee?’     ‘Yes, a lot.’   (not Yes, much)

‘Ko’p qahva ichasanmi?’  ‘Ha, ko’p.’ (Yes, much emas)

Biz many va a lot of dan barcha turdagi gaplarda foydalanamiz (positive/negative/question):

We have many friends / a lot of friends.

Bizda ko’pgina do’stlar bor / ko’pgina do’stlar.

We don’t have many friends / a lot of friends.

Bizda ko’pgina do’stlar yo’q / ko’pgina do’stlar.

Do you have many friends / a lot of friends?

Sizni do’stlaringiz ko’pmi / do’stlaringiz ko’pmi?

  • Siz much va a lot of dan otsiz foydalanishingiz mumkin:

Amy spoke to me, but she didn’t say much.

Amy menga gapirdi, ammo u ko’p gapirmadi.

‘Do you watch TV much?’    ‘No, not much.’   (= not often)

‘Siz televizor ko’p ko’rasizmi?’  ‘ Yo’q, ko’p emas.’ (= tez-tez emas)

We like films, so we go to the cinema a lot.   (not go to the cinema much)

Biz filmlarni yoqtiramiz, shuning uchun ko’p kinoga boramiz. (go to the cinema much emas)

Exercise 1. Much yoki many yozing.

How many yoki How much yozing.

Answers 2 many
3 much
4 many
5 many
6 much
7 much
8 many
9 How many
10 How much
11 How much
12 How many

Exercise 2. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Quyidagi so’zlar bilan much yoki many dan foydalaning:

Answers 2 much time
3 many countries
4 many people
5 much luggage
6 many times

Exercise 3. Quyidagi so’zlar bilan a lot of dan foydalaning:

Answers 2 a lot of interesting things
3 a lot of accidents
4 a lot of fun
5 a lot of traffic

88-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

How _____ time do you usually spend on your English every day?

2 / 10

How ____ hours a week do you work?

3 / 10

The market was very crowded. There were too _____ people.

4 / 10

______ people drive too fast

5 / 10

It cost ____ to repair the flat.

6 / 10

I don't go out _____.

7 / 10

He uses the phone _____ at work.

8 / 10

We need to hurry. We haven't got ____ time.

9 / 10

Do you know _____ people?

10 / 10

There is no need to hurry. We have got _____ time.

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