111-lesson. up, over, through etc.

Ingliz tili grammatikasi
  • From… to… – …dan …gacha

We walked from the hotel to the station.

Biz mehmonxonadan bekatgacha piyoda yurdik.

  • From… – …dan

A lot of English words come from Latin.

Ko’pgina ingliz tili so’zlari lotin tilidan keladi.

  • To – …ga

Jane is going to France next week.

Jeyn keyingi hafta Fransiyaga ketyapti.

  • Out of – (ichi)dan (tashqariga) / into (in) – (ichi)ga

We jumped into the water.

Biz suvga sakradik.

A man came out of the house and got into a car.

Erkak uydan chiqdi va mashinaga o’tirdi.

Why are you looking out of the window?

Nimaga derazadan tashqariga qarayapsiz?

I took the old batteries out of the radio.

Men radiodan eski batareyalarni oldim.

  • Put… …in – …ga …soldim.

I put new batteries in the radio.

Men radioga yangi batareyalarni soldim.

  • On – ustida, ustiga
  • Off – (usti)dan

Don’t put your feet on the table.

Stol ustiga oyog’ingizni qo’ymang.

Please take your feet off the table.

Iltimos, stoldan oyog’ingizni oling.

I’m going to hang some pictures on the wall.

Men devorga bir qancha rasmlarni ilmoqchiman.

Be careful!  Don’t fall off your bike.

Ehtiyot bo’ling! Velosipedingizdan yiqilib tushmang.

We got on the bus in Princes Street.

Biz Princess Streetdan avtobusda ketdik.

  • Up – tepaga / down – pastga

We walked up the hill to the house.

Biz uygacha tepalikka piyoda yurdik.

Be careful!  Don’t fall down the stairs.

Ehtiyot bo’ling! Zinalardan yiqilib tushmang.

  • Over – ustidan / under – tagidan

The plane flew over the mountains.

Samolyot tog’lar ustidan uchdi.

I jumped over the wall into the garden.

Men bog’ga devor ustidan sakradim.

Some people say it is unlucky to walk under a ladder.

Ba’zi odamlar narvon tagidan yurish omadsizlik deyishadi.

  • Through – ichidan / round – bo’ylab

A bird flew into the room through a window.

Qush xonaga derazadan uchib kirdi.

The old road goes through the village.

Eski yo’l qishloq ichidan o’tadi.

The new road goes round the village.

Yangi yo’l qishloq bo’ylab o’tgan.

The bus stop is just round the corner.

Avtobus bekati muyulishdan o’tiboq.

I walked round the town and took some photographs.

Men qishloq bo’ylab yurdim va bir qancha rasmlar oldim.

Siz round ni o’rniga around dan foydalanishingiz mumkin:

We walked around the town.

Biz qishloq bo’ylab yurdik.

  • Along – bo’ylab, chekkasidan / across – tomon, kesib, bo’ylab (kesib o’tishga nisbatan)

I was walking along the road with my dog.

Men itim bilan yo’l bo’ylab yurdim.

Let’s go for a walk along the river.

Daryo bo’ylab sayr qilaylik.

The dog swam across the river.

It daryo tomon suzdi.

  • Past – yonidan  

They walked past me without speaking.

Ular meni yonimdan gapirmasdan o’tib ketdi.

A:  Excuse me, how do I get to the hospital?

B:  Go along this road, past the cinema, under the bridge and the hospital is on

the left

A: Kechirasiz, kasalxonaga qanday yetib borsam bo’ladi?

B: Bu yo’l bo’ylab, kinoteatr yonidan, ko’prik tagidan yurasiz va kasalxona chapda.

Exercise 1. Kimdir sizdan manzilga qanday yetib borishni so’’rayapti. Siz borishga yo’lni qaysiligini aytasiz. Rasmlarga qarang va gaplarni go bilan boshlab yozing.

Answers 2 Go under the bridge.
3 Go up the hill.
4 Go down the steps.
5 Go along this street.
6 Go into the hotel.
7 Go past the hotel.
8 Go out of the hotel.
9 Go over the bridge.
10 Go through the park.

Exercise 2. Rasmlarga qarang va gaplarni to’ldiring.

Answers 2 off
3 over
4 out of
5 across
6 round/around
7 through
8 on
9 round/around
10 into the house through a window

Exercise 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Over/from/into va hokazolardan foydalaning.

Answers 1 out of
2 round/around
3 in
4 from here to the airport
5 round/around
6 on/over
7 over
8 out of/from

111-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 19

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

U devordan oshib tushdi.

2 / 19

To'g'ri berilgan tajimani toping.

U cho'qqidan yugurib tushdi.


3 / 19

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

Men ota-onamdan telegramma oldim.

4 / 19

To'g''ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

U uyga yugurib keldi.

5 / 19

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

U xonadan chiqdi.

6 / 19

U Londondan keldi.

7 / 19

Chkalov Shimoliy Qutb ustidan uchib o'tgan birinchi uchuvchidir.

8 / 19

To'g'ri berilgan gapni toping.

9 / 19

To'g'ri berilgan gapni toping.

10 / 19

We got ___ the bus.

11 / 19

Can you get that book ___ from the top shelf?

12 / 19

I carried her suitcase ___ to the third floor.

13 / 19

We don't serve alcohol to anyone ___ 18 years old.

14 / 19

I can't climb ___ that wall.

15 / 19

I ran ___ the road.

16 / 19

We sat ___ the carpet.

17 / 19

She walked ___ me very quickly.

18 / 19

She suddenly stood up and ran ___ the room.

19 / 19

The glass fell ___ the table and broke.

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