103-lesson. If I had … If we went … etc.

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

If o’tgan zamon shaklida ham ishlatiladi, ammo bu o’tgan zamon emas, balki hozirgi zamondagi biror narsani o’zida bo’lishini hohlashni bildiradi.

If formasi:

  • Siz aytishingiz mumkin:

If he had the money, he would buy a car. or He would buy a car if he had the money.

Agar puli  bo’lganda edi, u mashina sotib olgan bo’lar edi.

I’d / she’d / they’d etc. = I would / she would / they would etc. :

I don’t know the answer. If I knew the answer, I’d tell you.

Men javobni bilmayman. Agar bilganimda edi, sizga aytar edim.

It’s raining, so we’re not going out. We’d get wet if we went out.

Yomg’ir yog’yapti, shuning uchun biz tashqariga chiqmayapmiz. Agar tashqariga chiqqanimizda, ho’l bo’lgan bo’lardik.

Jane lives in a city. She likes cities. She wouldn’t be happy if she lived in the country.

Jeyn shaharda yashaydi. U shaharlarni yoqtiradi. Agar u qishloqda yashaganda edi, baxtli bo’lmagan bo’lar edi.

If ning to be fe’li (If (I) was/were …) bilan ishlatilganda ma’nosi ‘agar …ning o’rnida bo’lgan..da’ bo’ladi:

Siz aytishingiz mumkin: if I/he/she/it was or if I/he/she/it were

It’s not a very nice place. I wouldn’t go there if I were you. (or … if I was you)

U yaxshi joy emas. Agar siz bo’lganimda, o’sha yerga bormagan bo’lardim.

It would be nice if the weather was better. (or … if the weather were better)

Agar ob-havo yaxshi bo’lganda edi, yaxshi bo’lgan bo’lar edi.

  • Solishtiring:

Exercise 1. Gaplarni to’ldiring.

Answers 3 wanted
4 had
5 were/was
6 didn’t enjoy
7 could
8 tried
9 didn’t have

Exercise 2. Fe’llarni to’g’ri o’ringa qo’ying.

Answers 3 I’d go / 1would go
4 she knew
5 we had
6 you won
7 I wouldn’t stay
8 we lived
9 It would be
10 the salary was/were
11 I wouldn’t know
12 would you change

Exercise 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring. To’rtburchak ichidan tanlang va fe’llarni to’g’ri o’ringa qo’ying.

Answers 2 I’d watch it / 1would watch it
3 we had some pictures on the wall
4 the air would be cleaner
5 every day was/were the same
6 I’d be bored / 1would be bored
7 we had a bigger house / we bought a bigger house
8 we would/could buy a bigger house
or we would/could have a bigger house

103-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

I _______ if somebody ________ a gun at me.

2 / 10

I don't really want to go to their party but I probably will go. They _____ if I _____.

3 / 10

I _______ to the country if the weather ______fine.

4 / 10

He _____ to hospital tomorrow if he ______ better.

5 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

Agar men uning manzilini bilganimda edi, men unga siz unga yordam berishga rozi ekanligingizni yozardim.

6 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

Agar men uning ertaga kelishini bilganimda edi, men kechqurun uning oldiga bormasdim.

7 / 10

I _______ disappointed if they _______ .

8 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

Agar ular kelmasalar, men juda qattiq ranjiyman.

9 / 10

If I _____ the money, I _____ that caar.

10 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

Qachon men kelganimda u uyda bo'lmasa, men uni kutaman.

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