81-Dars. Some and any

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Sizlar bilan 19 – va 75 – darslarda some va any ning ishlatilishini o’rgangan edik. Bu darsda yana qo’shimcha ma’lumotlar bilan tanishtirib o’taman.

  • Some ni asosan darak gaplarda ishlatiladi, tarjimasi “biroz, bir qancha”:

I’m going to buy some clothes. Men bir qancha liboslar sotib olmoqchiman.

There’s some milk in the fridge. Muzlatgichda biroz sut bor.

We made some mistakes. Biz biroz xatolar qildik.


  • biror nimani taklif qilinganda odatda some ishlatiladi (any emas).

A:  Would you like some coffee? A: Biroz qahva hohlaysanmi?

B:  Yes, please.                                B: Ha, iltimos.

  • yoki biror narsani muloyimlik bilan so’ralganda:

A:  Can I have some soup, please? A: Biroz sho’rva olsam bo’ladimi, iltimos?

B:  Yes.  Help yourself.                      B: Ha. Bemalol.

  • Any inkor hamda so’roq gaplarda ishlatiladi:

I’m not going to buy any clothes. Men umuman kiyim sotib olmoqchi emasman.

Does he have any friends? Uning birorta do’sti bormi?

  • some va any otlarsiz (otlarni gapda ikki marta takrorlamaslik uchun) ham ishlatiladi:

I didn’t take any pictures, but Jessica took some. (= some pictures)

Birorta ham rasm olmadim, ammo Jessika birqanchasini oldi. (=birqancha rasmlar)

You can have somecoffee, but I don’t want any. (= any coffee)

Siz qahvani ichishingiz mumkin, ammo men umuman hohlamayman. (= umuman qahva)

I’ve just made some coffee.  Would you like some? (= some coffee)

Men biroz qahva tayyorladim. Biroz hohlaysizmi? (= biroz qahva)

‘Where’s your luggage?’     ‘I don’t have any.’   (= any luggage)

‘Bagajing qayerda? ‘Menda umuman yo’q.’ (= umuman bagaj)

  • Something (nimadir) / somebody (kimdir) (yoki someone) darak gaplarda va muloyimlik bilan so’rashda (asosan ‘Would’ bilan) so’roq gaplarda ishlatiladi:

She said something. U nimadur dedi.

I saw somebody (or someone). Men kimdurni ko’rdim.

Would you like something to eat? Yeyishga birornima hohlaysizmi?

  • Anything (inkor – hechnima, so’roq – nimadur) / anybody (or anyone) – (inkor – hechkim, so’roq -kimdur) so’roq hamda inkor gaplarda ishlatiladi:

She didn’t say anything. U hechnima demadi.

I didn’t see anybody (or anyone). U hechkimni ko’rmadi.

Are you doing anything tonight? Bugun kechasi biror nima qilasanmi?

Exercise 1. Some yoki anyni yozing.

Answers 2. some
3. any
4. any
5. any
6. some
7. any
8. some
9. some
10. any… any
11. some… any
12. some

Exercise 2. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Some yoki any + to’rtburchak ichidagi so’zlardan foydalaning.

Answers 2. some questions
3. any pictures
4. any foreign languages
5. some friends
6. some milk
7. any batteries
8. some fresh air
9. some cheese
10. any help

Exercise 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Some yoki anydan foydalaning.

Answers 3. I have some / I’ve got some
4. I don’t have any / 1haven’t got any / 1haven’t any
5. I didn’t buy any
6. I bought some
7. I didn’t drink any

81-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

I want to put … sugar into my coffee.

2 / 10

There are … cookies on the table. Let’s have ….

3 / 10

Stewart bought … dozen eggs and … tomatoes.

4 / 10

There are ...round windows.

5 / 10

Are there ... letters in the post box?

6 / 10

There aren't ... bedrooms.

7 / 10

There aren’t ... clocks on the wall.

8 / 10

I think there's ________ under my bed, but I can't see what it is.

9 / 10

Is there ........ good on TV tonight?

10 / 10

Can I speak to you for a moment? I want to discuss ........ with you.

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