78-Dars. This/that/these/those.

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

This (bu) va These (bular) so’zlari asosan qo’limizdagi yoki bizga yaqin bo’lgan narsalarni ko’rsatishda foydalaniladi. Agar ot birlikda bo’lsa this (bu), ko’plikda bo’lsa these (bular) ishlatiladi:

Do you like this picture? Bu rasm yoqdimi?
These flowers are for you. Bu gullar siz uchun.

That (anavi) va those (anavilar) so’zlari bizdan uzoq bo’lgan narsalar oldidan ularni ko’rsatish uchun foydalaniladi. Agar noun (ot) birlikda bo’lsa  that, ko’plikda bo’lsa those ishlatiladi:

Do you like that picture? Anavi rasm yoqdimi?
Who are those people? Anavi odamlar kim?
  • this/that/these/those otlar bilan va otlarsiz ham qo’llanishi mumkin.


  • that = sodir bo’lgan narsa
‘Sizga telefon qilishni unutganim uchun kechiring.’ ‘Hammasi joyida.
Bu juda yoqimli taom edi. Sizga katta rahmat.

  • that = birorkim aytgan narsa
‘Siz o’qituvchisiz, shunday emasmi?’ ‘Ha, bu to’g’ri.’
‘Martinni yangi ishi bor.’ ‘Rosdanmi? Men buni bilmagandim.’
‘Keyingi hafta ta’tilga bormoqchiman.’ ‘Voy, bu yaxshi’

  • Telefon go’shagini ko’targanda this is va is that … ?  dan foydalaniladi:
Salom Sara, bu David. (this = gapiruvchi odam)

Bu Sarami? (that = boshqa inson)
  • this isso’zi insonlarni tanishtirishda ham foydalaniladi:
A: Ben, bu Chris.
B: Salom, Chris – tanishganimdan hursandman.
C: Salom.

Exercise 1. Gaplarni to’ldiring. This/that/these/those + bu so’zlardan foydalaning:

Answers 2. that house
3. these postcards
4. those birds
5. this seat
6. These plates

Exercise 2. Savollarni yozing: Is this/that your … ? yoki Are these/those your … ?

Answers 2. Is that your umbrella?
3. Is this your book?
4. Are those your books?
5. Is that your bicycle/bike?
6. Are these your keys?
7. Are those your keys?
8. Is this your watch?
9. Are those your glasses?
10. Are these your gloves?

Exercise 3. Gaplarni this is yoki that’s yoki that bilan to’ldiring.

Answers 2. that’s 6 this is
3. This is 7 That’s
4. That’s 8 that’s
5. that
6. this is
7. That’s
8. that’s

78-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

Can you give me back _____ money I lent you last week?

2 / 10

2ta ko'rsatish olmoshini toping.

3 / 10

_______ cupcakes are baked by my mother

4 / 10

My father bought _______ toys for me.

5 / 10

______ are my pencils.

6 / 10

Look at __________ kids playing in the garden over there.

7 / 10

Look at ______ newspaper here.

8 / 10

_____ cherries here are delicious!

9 / 10

Demonstrative Pronouns; This, That, These, and _____?

10 / 10

_____ bottle over there is empty.

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