116-lesson. Phrasal verbs 2 (put on your shoes / put your shoes on)

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

O’tgan darsimizda fe’lli iboralarni mustaqil ishlatilish holatini o’tgan edik.

Bugungi darsimizda esa to’ldiruvchi bilan ishlatilish holatini o’rganamiz. Misol uchun:

  • Put on – kiymoq

Put on your coat or put your coat on. – Ushbu holatda predlogni objectdan oldin yoki keyin ishlatilishi mumkin.

Ammo olmoshlar bilan ishlatilganda predlogdan oldin ishlatiladi:

Put it on (not put on it)

It was cold, so I put on my coat. or   … I put my coat on.

Havo sovuq edi, shuning uchun paltoyimni kiydim.

Here’s your coat.  Put it on. – Sening paltoying shu yerda. Uni kiy.

  • Take off – yechmoq

I’m going to take off my shoes. or   … take my shoes off.

Men oyoq kiyimimni yechmoqchiman.

Your shoes are dirty.  Take them off. – Sening oyoq kiyiming kir. Ularni yech.

  • Turn on (yoqmoq) / turn off (o’chirmoq) (lights, machines, taps etc.):

It was dark, so I turned on the light. or  … I turned the light on.

Qorong’u, shuning uchun men chiroqni yoqdim.

I don’t want to watch this programme. You can turn it off.

Men bu ko’rsatuvni ko’rishni hohlamayman. Siz uni o’chirishingiz mumkin.


  • switch on (yoqmoq) / switch off (o’chirmoq) (lights, machines etc.):

I switched on the light and switched off the television.

Men chiroqni yoqdim va televizorni o’chirdim.

  • Pick up – (yerdan) olmoq

Those are my keys on the floor. Can you pick them up for me?

Anavi mening poldagi kalitlarim. Siz ularni men uchun olib bera olasizmi?

  • Put down – (yerga) qo’ymoq

I stopped reading and put my book down. or   … put down my book.

Men o’qishni to’xtatdim va kitobimni qo’ydim.

  • Bring back – qaytarib olib kelmoq

You can take my umbrella, but please bring it back.

Siz mening soyabonimni olishingiz mumkin, ammo iltimos qaytarib olib keling.

  • Take back – qaytarib olmoq

I took my new sweater back to the shop.  It was too small for me.

Men do’konga yangi sviterimni qaytarib olib bordim. U menga juda kichkina edi.

  • Give back – qaytarib bermoq

I’ve got Rachel’s keys.  I have to give them back to her.

Menda Reychelning kalitlari bor. Men ularni unga qaytarib berishim kerak.

  • Put back – qaytarib joyiga solmoq/qo’ymoq

I read the letter and then put it back in the envelope.

Men xatni o’qidim va so’ng uni konvertga qaytarib solib qo’ydim.

Exercise 1. Rasmlarga qarang. Ushbu odamlar nima qilishdi?

Answers 2 She took off her hat. or She took her hat off.
3 He put down his bag. or He put his bag down.
4 She picked up the magazine. or She picked the magazine up.
5 He put on his sunglasses, or He put his sunglasses on.
6 She turned off the tap. or She turned the tap off.

Exercise 2. Ushbu gaplarni 3ta turli usulda yozishingiz mumkin. Jadvalni to’ldiring.

Answers 2 He put his jacket on. He put it on.
3 She took off her glasses. She took them off.
4 I picked the phone up. I picked it up.
5 They gave the key back. They gave it back.
6 We turned off the lights. We turned them off.

Exercise 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Quyidagi fe’llar uchun it yoki them dan foydalaning.

Answers 2 take it back
3 picked them up
4 switched it off
5 bring them back

116-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 11

If you make a mistake on the form, just ______.

2 / 11

You had better ________. It's cold outside.

3 / 11

________ - you are making me nervous.

4 / 11

Please _______ and _______ by November 2nd.

5 / 11

He told me his address but I forgot to _______.

6 / 11

Aren't you going to _______ to go swimming?

7 / 11

I must _______ that book you lent me.

8 / 11

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

U senga o'sha kitoblarni allaqachon qaytib berdimi?

9 / 11

I ________ drinking alcohol some years ago.

10 / 11

Would you like to see the factory? Would you like me to _________?

11 / 11

I lent him some books a month ago and he still hasn't ________.

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