Ingliz tilida predloglar

112-lesson. on/ at/ by/ with/ about

Ingliz tili grammatikasi
  • On predlogi bilan qotib qolgan birikmalar:

Jane isn’t at work this week.  She’s on holiday.

Jeyn bu hafta ishlamaydi. U ta’tilda.

We watched the news on TV.

Biz yangiliklarni televizorda tomosha qildik.

We listened to the news on the radio.

Biz yangiliklarni radioda tingladik.

I spoke to Rachel on the phone last night.

Men o’tgan tun Reychel bilaan telefonda gaplashdim.

The house is on fire!  Call the fire brigade.

Uy olovda! O’t o’chiruvchilarga qo’ng’iroq qil.

‘Was the train late?’     ‘No, it was on time.’

‘Poyezd kech qoldimi?’  ‘Yo’q, u vaqtida keldi.’

  • At predlogi yoshga, mashinaning tezligi, haroratga va hokazoga nisbatan ishlatiladi, ma’nosi -da.

at (the age of) 21 / at 50 kilometres an hour / at 100 degrees etc. :

Lisa got married at 21.   (or… at the age of 21.)

Liza 21 da turmush qurgan.  (yoki … 21 yoshida)

A car uses more petrol at 120 kilometres an hour than at 90.

Mashina soatiga 90ga qaraganda 120 kilometrga ko’proq yoqilg’idan foydalanadi.

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

Suv 100 gradus shkalada qaynaydi.

  • By predlogi biror bir transport orqali borilganda ishlatiladi – by car / by bus / by plane/ by bike etc. :

Do you like travelling by train?

Siz poyezdda sayohat qilishni yoqtirasizmi?

Jane usually goes to work by bike.

Jeyn odatda ishga velosipedda boradi.

  • Ammo, piyoda yurishga nisbatan on foot ishlatiladi:

You can’t get there by car.  You have to go on foot.   (= you have to walk)

Siz bu yerga mashinada kirolmaysiz. Siz piyoda borishingiz kerak. (= siz piyoda yurishingiz kerak)

  • Shuningdek, by ni ‘tomonidan’ ma’nosida ham qo’llaniladi, bunda biror narsani biror bir shaxs tomonidan qilinganligiga ishora qilinadi.

a book by … / a painting by … / a piece of music by … etc. :

Have you read any books by Charles Dickens?

Siz Charles Dikkens tomonidan yozilgan birorta kitobni o’qiganmisiz?

Who is that painting by?  Picasso?

Anavi rasm kim tomonidan chizilgan? Pikassomi?

  • Majhul nisbatda esa gapning so’nggida ham foydalaniladi:

I was bitten by a dog.

Men it tomonidan tishlandim.

  • With – bilan / without – …siz

Did you stay at a hotel or with friends?

Siz mehmonxonada qoldingizmi yoki do’stlaringiznikidami?

Wait for me.  Please don’t go without me.

Meni kut. Iltimos mensiz ketib qolma.

Do you like your coffee with or without milk?

Qahvangizni  sut bilan yoqtirasizmi yoki sutsiz?

I cut the paper with a pair of scissors.

Men qog’ozni qaychi bilan qirqdim.

  • With so’zi -li ma’nosida ham ishlatiladi:

Do you know that man with the beard?

Siz anavi soqolli erkakni taniysizmi?

I’d like to have a house with a big garden.

Men katta bog’li uyim bo’lishini hohlayman.

  • About haqida

talk/speak/think/hear/know about … :

Some people talk about their work all the time.

Ba’zi odamlar faqat ishi haqida gapiradi.

I don’t know much about cars.

Men mashinalar haqida ko’p bilmayman.

a book / a question / a programme / information (etc.) about … :

There was a programme about volcanoes on TV last night.  Did you see it?

O’tgan tunda televizorda vulqonlar haqida ko’rsatuv bo’ldi. Ko’rdingizmi?

Exercise 1. Gaplarni to’ldiring. On + quyidagi so’zlardan foydalaning:

Answers 2 on time
3 on holiday
4 on the phone
5 on TV

Exercise 2. Rasmlarga qarang. Gaplarni at/by/with va hokazo bilan to’ldiring.

Answers 2 by
3 with
4 about
5 on
6 by
7 at
8 on
9 with
10 about grammar by Vera P. Bull

112-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 15

Patricia is holiday next week.

2 / 15

He died ___ the age ___ 70.

3 / 15

Let's talk ___ something else.

4 / 15

Is there anything interesting ___ TV tonight?

5 / 15

Liquid nitrogen boils ___ a very low temperature.

6 / 15

Two coffees please, one ___ milk and one ___.

7 / 15

She is staying ___ her parents for a few months.

8 / 15

Thank you so much for your help - I couldn't have done it ___ you.

9 / 15

Have you heard ___ Jane getting married?

10 / 15

I heard a good programme ___ the raido last night.

11 / 15

They travelled acros Europe ___ train.

12 / 15

The book was translated ___ a well-known author.

13 / 15

Are you going ___ bicycle or ___ foot?

14 / 15

-Where is John?

-He is ___ the phone.

15 / 15

The conference was very well organized. Everything began and finished ___ time.

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