Grammar Test №3


Ingliz tilidan bilimlaringizni tekshirib borish uchun grammatik testlar to’plami. Jami 30ta savoldan iborat. Izohlarda natijangizni yozib qoldirishni unutmang!

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Grammar Test №3

Ingliz tilidan bilimlaringizni tekshirishingiz uchun grammatik testlar to’plami. Testni boshlash uchun “Start” tugmasini bosing.

1 / 30

Leave it to your daughter, and she’ll get …………… with either a davul-player or a zurna-player.

2 / 30

Why didn’t you send him an invitation? I …………… send him one, but I think it must have got lost in the mail.

3 / 30

Some people have never known …………… it is like to be free.

4 / 30

What I want to do now …………… to get some rest.

5 / 30

All I want …………… to be free.

6 / 30

All he is good at ………….. cheating at dice.

7 / 30

The terrorist …………… send one final message before he was shot dead.

8 / 30

 I’ve got a headache and I …………… terrible.

9 / 30

I am no less surprised than anyone else to see that he’s …………… obstinate …………… a mule.

10 / 30

No, I …………… buy a new one. My old watch was working perfectly after all.

11 / 30

No, I don’t mind waiting at all, …………… it doesn’t take you more than an hour.

12 / 30

The fat lady went down head over heels, …………… made everyone burst into an uncontrollable laughter.

13 / 30

I’d rather have a room of my own, …………… small it is, than share a room with a total stranger.

14 / 30

………….. a married man, you’ll have a lot more responsibilities from now on.

15 / 30

What a smart suit that is you’ve got on. It ………….. cost you a fortune to buy.

16 / 30

I saw him enter the room, unlock the drawer, take out a document, photograph it …………… put it back.

17 / 30

If she catches you …………… her diary, she’ll be furious.

18 / 30

His wife begged him not to drink too much …………… he would have to drive them home later in the evening.

19 / 30

Yes, we have a room for you,» said the receptionist.Now, if you’d …………… the register, please.

20 / 30

She said that if I got out of her light she …………… to see what she was doing.

21 / 30

…………… the laziest of the lazy would rather work than starve.

22 / 30

I’ve been meaning to ask you: This is the first time you are visiting Turkland, …………… ?

23 / 30

I …………… asked to inform you that you’re dismissed from your post as of today.

24 / 30

Incidentally, theoretical neurolinguistics …………… to be one of those pure sciences that …………… indispensable for understanding the origins of mankind.

25 / 30

Don’t worry; one of the robbers …………… ,» said a policeman to the gathering crowd.

26 / 30

You took the wrong bus. It ………….. the wrong one. It has brought me to the right place, hasn’t it?

27 / 30

………….. feeding these fish, please be careful with ………….. you give them.

28 / 30

I’m afraid I’ve terribly misjudged them both. The truth is that he can drive this machine very skillfully, and so …………… .

29 / 30

………. either of you a doctor?  Or, ………….. you both engineers?

30 / 30

The trouble is that he doesn’t like mathematics. Come to think of it, he doesn’t enjoy geometry much, …………… .

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