Lesson development on 9th grade topics. On this page, you can familiarize yourself with the new English language textbooks (Guess What and Prepare textbooks) with examples of 1-hour sample lesson plans.

Lesson development on 9th grade topics. On this page, you can familiarize yourself with the new English language textbooks (Guess What and Prepare textbooks) with examples of 1-hour sample lesson plans. 1ST QUARTER SUBJECTSUnit 1. Going shopping Grade 11 Overview11th grade Shopping11th grade DeterminersClass 11 A short text Unit 2. Our changing planet 19th grade […]

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How is the work leave of teachers at the school calculated from the salary?

To calculate the vacation pay, we need to determine the average salary for 1 day. To do this, we sum up your monthly payments over the last 9 months and divide by 9 to get the average. For example, in the following months, you received a salary as follows: 09 2022 = 1,600,000 soums 10 […]

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Yangi darslik bo’yicha 1 soatlik namunaviy dars ishlanmalar

Ingliz tili fanidan yangi o’quv yili uchun (2023-2024-o’quv yili) yangi darsliklar Guess What va Prepare darsliklari bo’yicha tuzilgan bir soatlik namunaviy dars ishlanmalar. Fayl nomi Turi Hajmi 1-sinf 0. Names docx 3.7 MB 2-sinf 0. Introductions docx 4.5 MB 3-sinf 0. Work together docx 3.9 MB 4-sinf 0. Descriptions docx 3.8 MB 5-sinf 0. Countries […]

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Guess what va prepare darslik

Guess What va Prepare darsliklari

Xabaringiz bor 2022-2023-o’quv yilidan yurtimizdagi maktablar ingliz tili fanidan 1-6-sinflar Guess What7-11-sinflar Prepare darsliklariga o’tishi rejalashtirilgan. Ushbu kitoblar maktablarga tarqatilishi boshlangan. Kitob bilan tanishib chiqishingiz uchun rasmiy saytda berilgan sample unitlarni taqdim etaman. P.S.: Kitob mualliflik huquqi bilan himoyalangani va mualliflar mehnatiga hurmatim sabab to’liq shaklini taqdim eta olmayman. Iltimos shaxsiyga ham bunday iltimos bilan […]

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Ingliz tilidan 2023-2024-o’quv yili uchun mo’ljallangan Cambridge Guess what va Prepare darsliklarining audiolari. File name  Format  Size  1-sinf Guess what audio  rar 113 MB   2-sinf Guess what audio  rar 233 MB    3-sinf Guess what audio  rar 162 MB    4-sinf Guess what audio  rar 185 MB    5-sinf Guess what audio  rar 196 MB    6-sinf Guess what […]

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