How is the work leave of teachers at the school calculated from the salary?


To calculate the vacation pay, we need to determine the average salary for 1 day.
To do this, we sum up your monthly payments over the last 9 months and divide by 9 to get the average.

For example, in the following months, you received a salary as follows:

09 2022 = 1,600,000 soums
10 2022 = 1,600,000 soums
11 2022 = 1,900,000 soums
12 2022 = 1,900,000 soums
01 2023 = 2,200,000 soums
02 2023 = 2,200,000 soums
03 2023 = 2,200,000 soums
04 2023 = 2,200,000 soums
05 2023 = 2,200,000 soums

Total: 18,000,000 soums. So, your total salary for 9 months is 18 million soums. Now we divide 18 million soums by 9:
18,000,000 soums: 9 months = 2,000,000 soums. So your monthly average salary is 2 million soums.
Now we can determine your average daily wage excluding weekends. 2 million soums are divided by 25.4 if the average working day is 25.4 days per month.
2,000,000 soums : 25.4 = 78,740.16 soums

78,740.16 soums is your average daily salary. Now we multiply your 1 day salary by your vacation days (24, 36 or 48 days) to calculate vacation pay.

78,740.16 * 48 days = 3,779,527.7

Now we deduct 12 percent income tax and 1 percent membership fee if you’re a union member.

3,779,527.7 * 13% = 491,338.6 soums is the withholding tax.

3,779,527.7 – 491,338.6 = 3,288,189.1 soums. Your vacation money is 3,288,189 soums

Posted for information only. Actual calculation may vary slightly. See your accountant for a more accurate estimate.



Maktabda o‘qituvchilarning mehnat ta’tili ish haqidan qanday hisoblanadi?

Mehnat ta’tili pulini hisoblash uchun 1 kunlik ish haqini o’rtachasini aniqlab olishimiz kerak.
Buning uchun oyligingiz nachisleniyasini oxirgi 9 oyda olganlaringizni umumlashtiramiz va 9 ga bo’lib o’rtachasini chiqarib olamiz.

Masalan siq quyidagi oylarda quyidagicha oylik olgansiz:

  • 09 2022 = 1 600 000 so’m
  • 10 2022 = 1 600 000 so’m
  • 11 2022 = 1 900 000 so’m
  • 12 2022 = 1 900 000 so’m
  • 01 2023 = 2 200 000 so’m
  • 02 2023 = 2 200 000 so’m
  • 03 2023 = 2 200 000 so’m
  • 04 2023 = 2 200 000 so’m
  • 05 2023 = 2 200 000 so’m

Jami: 18 000 000 so’m. Demak 9 oy davomida olgan umumiy oyligingiz 18 million so’m. Endi 18 mln so’mni 9ga bo’lamiz:
18 000 000 so’m : 9 oy =2 000 000 so’m. Demak sizning bir oylik o’rtacha oyligingiz 2 million so’m.
Endi dam olish kunlarini chiqarib tashlagan holda o’rtacha bir kunlik ish haqingizni aniqlab olamiz. Bir oyda o’rtacha 25.4 kun ish kuni hisoblansa 2 million so’mni 25.4 ga bo’lamiz.
2 000 000 so’m : 25.4 = 78 740,16 so’m

78 740,16 so’m bu sizing bir kunlik o’rtacha ish haqingiz. Endi ta’til pulini hisoblash uchun 1 kunlik ish haqingizni ta’til kuningizga (24, 36 yoki 48 kunga) ko’paytiramiz.

78 740,16 * 48 kun = 3 779 527,7

Endi chiqqan summadan 12 foiz daromad solig’i va agar kasaba uyushmasiga a’zoligingiz bo’lsa 1 foiz a’zolik badalini chiqarib tashlaymiz.

3 779 527,7 * 13% = 491 338,6 so’m – bu ushlab qolinadigan soliq.

3 779 527,7 – 491 338,6 = 3 288 189,1 so‘m. Sizning qo’lingizga tegadigan ta’til pulingiz 3 288 189 so’m

Faqat ma’lumot uchun joylandi. Haqiqiy hisob-kitobdan biroz farq qilishi mumkin. Yanayam aniqroq hisob-kitob uchun buxgalteringizga uchrashing.

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