66-dars. I/me he/him they/them.

Ot so`z turkumlari o`rnida kishilik olmoshlardan foydalanamiz. Biz ularni tez-tez odamlarga va biz allaqachon aniqlab olgan narsalarga murojaat qilish uchun ishlatamiz.

Bular: I – me     men-menga
we – us    biz-bizga
you – you     siz-sizga
he – him    u (erkaklarga)-unga(erkaklarga)
she – her    u(ayolarga)-unga(ayolarga)
they – them   ular-ularga
it – it  u(narsa,hayvonlarga)-unga(narsa,hayvonlarga) deb tarjima qilinadi.

me / him / her bu olmoshlarni for / to / at / with predolardan keyin ishlatamiz.

– This letter isn’t for you. It’s for me. Bu xat sen uchun emas. Bu men uchun.

– Where’s Alan? I want to talk to him. Alan qayerda? men u bilan gaplashmoqchiman.

Narsalar va hayvonlar uchun: It-it ishlatamiz.

They va themdi esa odamlarga,narslarga va hayvonlarga ham ishlatishimiz mumnkin.

– I want that book. Please give it to me. Men anavi kitobni hohlayman. Iltimos uni menga bering.

– I like those shoes. Please give them to me.  Men bu tuflilar yoqdi. Iltimos ularni menga bering.

Exercises 1. him/her/them bilan gaplarni to’ldiring.

Answers 2 him
3 them
4 her
5 him
6 them
7 her

Exercises 2. Gaplarni to’ldirirng. I/me/you/she/her foydalanib.

Answers 2 I … them
3 he … her
4 they … us
5 we … him
6 she … them
7 they … me
8 she … you

Exercises 3. I like … , I don’t like … yoki Do you like … ? boshlangan gaplar yozing.

Answers 2 I like him.
3 I don’t like it.
4 Do you like it?
5 I don’t like her.
6 Do you like them?

New words

1neverhech qachon9eatyemoq

66-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

You could give the money to _____ children.

2 / 10

-Is Chinese a difficult language?

-Yes, ___________is a difficult language

3 / 10

That blue bike is hers.

4 / 10

Where are my socks? I can't find ______.

5 / 10

Thank you for driving _____ to the station.

6 / 10

I will help ____ if ____ like.

7 / 10

The coach called them off the field.

8 / 10

The house is theirs and its paint is flaking.

9 / 10

Peter is a little sick. _____ is a little sick.

10 / 10

My cousin an her friend are at the park.

______ are at the park.

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