57-Dars. Do you know where …..? I don’t know what ….?


Bugungi mavzuyimiz har kungi hayotmizda tez-tez beradigan savollar bilan bog’liq. Tasavvur qiling sizga kimdur, nimadir yoki qayerdir kerak.

Lekin qidirganimizni topishda beradigan savollarimiz aslida qanday tuziladi?

Avvalo bunday holatda biz o’zimiz bilmagan holda bitta emas ikkita savol beramiz.

Can you tell me where is the station? (Stansiya qayerdaligini aytolmaysizmi?)

Birinchisi: aytolmaysizmi Ikinchisi: Stansiya qayerda

First: Can you tell me Second: Where is the station

Ingliz tilida bu gap quyidagicha yoziladi.

1: Can you tell me 2: Where is the station? 1:Can you tell me 2: Where the station is? Can you tell me where the station is?

1:Do you know (Bilasizmi) 2:When did he come? (U qachon keldi?) 1:Do you know 2:When he came? Do you know where he came?

Agar savol qismda do/ does/ did ko’makchilari bor bo’lsa ular ikkinchi gapda yo’qolib ketadi va gap darak shaklga o’zgaradi.

Quyidagi misollarga e’tibor bering.

Endi biz When/Which?Where kabi WH so’zlari yo’q gaplar ham bor.


Jack uydami? Ularda mashina bormi? Ben suzaoladimi? Ular buyerga yaqin yashashadimi? Seni kimdir ko’ridmi?

Bu holatda biz ikki gapni bog’lashda IF hamda WHETHER dan foydalanamiz.

Exercise 1. Savollarga javob yozing.

Answers 2 I don’t know where she is.
3 I don’t know how old it is.
4 I don’t know when he’ll be here.
5 I don’t know why he was angry.
6 I don’t know how long she has lived here.

Exercise 2. Gaplarni to’ldiring.

Answers 2 where Susan works
3 what Peter said
4 why he went home early
5 what time the meeting begins
6 how the accident happened

Exercise 3. Do you know if birikmasi bilan savollarni yozing.

Answers 2 Do you know if/whether they are married?
3 Do you know if/whether Sue knows Bill?
4 Do you know if/whether Gary will be here tomorrow?
5 Do you know if/whether he passed his exam?

New words (Yangi so’zlar)

1long timeuzoq vaqt9meetinguchrashuv
2hereshu yer10airplanessamolyotlar
6happensodir bo’lmoq14keykalit


57-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

What do you do in your spare time?

2 / 10

Can you speaak any foreign languages?

3 / 10

Have you got a driving license?

4 / 10

Why didn't he come to school?

5 / 10

Do you know have to pay to park here?

6 / 10

Where is the circus?

7 / 10

Did Tom receive my letter?

8 / 10

How much does it cost?

9 / 10

Why did Susan leave early?

10 / 10

What time does the film begin?

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