Ingliz tilida savollar har qanday zamonda ko’makchi fe’llarni egadan oldinga olib o’tish orqali yasaladi.

Positive- darak question – so’roq

Men kech qoldim Men kech qoldimmi?
Hozirgi zamonda do va does ko’makchi fe’ldan foydalaniladi.
O’tgan zamonda did ko’makchi fe’ldan foydalaniladi.

Ular qattiq ishlaydi Ular qattiq ishlaydimi?

Ular qattiq ishladi. Ular qattiq ishladimi?
Bazida do hamda did ham ko’makchi fe’l ham asosiy fe’l sifatida keladi.

Yuqoridagi gapda 2 ta do so’zi bor. Ularning birinchisi ko’makchi fe’l. Ikkinchisi esa asosiy fe’l bo’lib qilmoq ma’nosini beradi.
Why so’roq so’zi bilan asosan inkor ma’nodagi gaplar keladi.

Exercises 1.Gaplarni so’roq ko’rinishda yozing.

3 Were you late this morning?4 Has Kate got a key? or Does Kate have a key?
5 Will you be here tomorrow?
6 Is Paul going out this evening?
7 Do you like your job?
8 Does Nicola live near here?
9 Did you enjoy the film?
10 Did you have a good holiday?
Exercises 2. Siz do’stingiz bilan mashina haydash haqida shaplashyapsiz. To’liq savol ko’rinishida yozing.

2 Do you use it a lot?3 Did you use it yesterday?
4 Do you enjoy driving?
5 Are you a good driver?
6 Have you ever had an accident?
Execises 3. So’zlar bilan birga savollar tuzing.

3 What are the children doing?4 How is cheese made?
5 Is your sister coming to the party?
6 Why don’t you tell the truth?
7 Have your guests arrived yet?
8 What time does your train leave?
9 Why didn’t Emily go to work?
10 Was your car damaged in the accident?