42-dars. must/need.


-must ingliz tiliga kerak, shart, zarur deb tarjima qilinadi. -must qilinishi shart bo’lgan va qonun qoidalar uchun ishlatiladi. Kishilik olmoshlarini hammasiga -must ishlatiladi.

(Men juda ochman. Men biror narsa yeyishim kerak).

Must va have toni zamonlarda ishaltilishi.

(Bu juda fantastik film. Sen uni ko’rishing kerak).

Gapda inkor shaklini yasamoqchi bo’lsak -must+not yuklamasidan foydalanamiz.

(Men ketishim kerak. Men kech qilmasligim shart)

(Men Chrisga qo’ng’iroq qilishni unutmasligim shart)

(=Men unga qo’ng’iroq qilishni esda saqlashim shart)

O’tgan zamondagi gaplarda -must -had toga o’zgaradi.

-need ingliz tiliga zarur deb tarjima qilinadi. -needni asosan ehtiyoj bo’lgan narsalarga tuziladigon gaplarga ishlatilinadi

Inkor shaklida -need+not yuklamasidan foydalanamiz.

The road needs to be cleaned. (Yo’lni tozalash kerak)

(Sen baqirishing shart emas. Men seni yaxshi eshityapman).

Exercises 1. Gaplarni to’ldiring. must+fe’llardan foydalanib.

Answers 2 must meet
3 must wash
4 must learn
5 must go
6 must win
7 must be

Exercises 2. I must yoki I had to ni yozing.

Answers 2 I must
3 I had to
4 I must
5 I had to
6 I had to
7 I must

Exercises 3. must/mustn’t/had to/don’t need to ni yozing.

Answers 4 had to
5 must
6 mustn’t
7 must
8 had to
9 don’t need to
10 mustn’t

New words (yangi so’zlar)

3washyuvmoq11immediatelyzudlik bilan
6personshaxs14nearlyyaqin, deyarli
7dirtykir15appointmenttayinlash, belgilash
8drivehaydamoq16safesaqlamoq, seyf


42-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

We ____ leave now; it’s 10 and the conference doesn’t start until 12.

2 / 10

We didn’t have money, so we ____ find a cash dispenser.

3 / 10

We didn’t have money, so we ____ find a cash dispenser.

4 / 10

Teacher: ‘You ____ arrive on time for class.’

5 / 10

You ____ anyone; it’s a secret.

6 / 10

We didn’t have money, so we ____ find a cash dispenser.

7 / 10

I ____ leave early because I wasn’t feeling well.

8 / 10

Students ____ run in the classroom. It against the rules.

9 / 10

Caleb ____ do well in this exam. He already has a college for next year.

10 / 10

You ____ have a driving licence to drive a car.

Your score is

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