22-dars. Present Simple (I don’t)


Present Simple (hozirgi oddiy zamon)da inkor gap yasash uchun don’t/doesn’t dan foydalanamiz.

Darak gap: She drinks coffee. (U kofe ichadi).
Inkor gap: She doesn’t drink coffee. (U kofe ichmaydi.)

Darak gap: He likes his job. (U ishini yoqtiradi.)
Inkor gap: He doesn’t like his job. (U ishini yoqtirmaydi.)

Ushbu jadval bo’yicha inkor yasamoqchi bo’lsak, I, we, you, they ga don’t
III shaxs birlik bo’lgan he, she, it ga doesn’t qo’yamiz.
I don’t work. He doesn’t work.

I drink coffee, but I don’t drink tea. (Men kofe ichaman lekin choy ichmayman.)
Aziza drinks tea, but she doesn’t drink coffee. (Aziza choy ichadi, lekin u kofe ichmaydi.)
You don’t work very hard. (Siz qattiq ishlamaysiz)
We don’t watch TV very often. (Biz tez-tez televizor ko’rmaymiz.)
The weather is usually nice. It doesn’t rain very often. (Ob-havo odatda yaxshi bo’ladi. Tez-tez yomg’ir yog’maydi.)
Sam and Chris don’t know many people. (Sem va Kris ko’p odamni bilishmaydi.)

Ushbu misollarning barchasida hozirgi oddiy zamonning inkor shakliga misollar berilgan.

Biz don’t/doesn’t dan keyin faqat fe’lning oddiy shakli (infinitive) ishlatamiz.
Masalan: don’t like, doesn’t speak
I don’t like washing the car. I don’t do it very often. (Men mashina yuvishni yoqtirmayman. Bu ishni tez-tez qilmayman.)

Exercise 1. Berilgan darak gaplarni inkorga aylantirib chiqing.


2. Anna doesn’t play the piano very well.
3. They don’t know my phone number.
4. We don’t work very hard.
5. He doesn’t have a bath every day. 6 You don’t do the same thing every day.

Exercise 2. Berilgan ma’lumotni o’rganib chiqing. like dan foydalanib gaplar yozing.


2. Kate doesn’t like classical music. I like (or I don’t like) classical music. 3. Ben and Sophie don’t like boxing. Kate likes boxing. I like (or I don’t like) boxing. 4. Ben and Sophie like horror movies. Kate doesn’t like horror movies. I like (or I don’t like) horror movies.

Exercise 3. O’zingiz haqingizda yozing. Berilgan soz’lardan foydalaning.


Example answers: 2. I never go to the theatre. 3. I don’t ride a bike very often. 4. I never eat in restaurants. 5. I often travel by train.

Exercise 4. Gaplarni tugallang. Hamma gaplar inkorda bo’lishi kerak. Berilgan so’zlardan foydalaning.


2. doesn’t use 3. don’t go 4. doesn’t wear 5. don’t know 6. doesn’t cost 7. don’t see

Exercise 5. Qavs ichida berilgan so’zlarni darak yoki inkor shaklda ochib chiqing.


3. don’t know 4. doesn’t talk 5. drinks 6. don’t believe 7. like 8. doesn’t eat


22-dars bo’yicha yakuniy test

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