Ingliz Tilidan Onlayn Attestatsiya Testlari 8


Keyingi yil mart aprel oylarida bo’ladigan ingliz tili fanidan attestatsiyaga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida attestatsiya namunasidagi 40ta savol berilgan. Testlarni ishlab o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring! Ushbu savollar faqatgina tayyorgarlik ko’rish va bilimingizni sinash uhcun. HECH QANDAY tushish ehtimoli yo’q! Ingliz tili attestatsiya testlari

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Attetatsiya Test №8

Ingliz tili fani o’qituvchilari uchun 2021-yil attestatsiya savollari to’plami. Jami savollar to’plami 40ta

1 / 40

Indeed, the situation is such that the chairman has finally promised to implement ——— the committee recommends.

2 / 40

He can’t believe ____ he gave up smoking last week

3 / 40

——— the Civil War, those years turned out to be a golden era for the manganese industry.

4 / 40

The man who created the first computer virus has been sentenced to 20 months in an American federal prison, it is generally agreed that he has been ………….. very lightly.

5 / 40

The American constitution with its various constraints ………….. to protect citizens can actually shield criminals.

6 / 40

I’m so …………. under with work at the moment – It’s awful!

7 / 40

How long ………… before Val finally turned up?

8 / 40


Because of his imperturbable manner, both on and off the tennis court, and his relentless ground strokes, Bjom Borg was dubbed Ice-Borg by his opponents on the
professional tennis circuit. Borg won his first tournament when he was 11. In four years, he won all the world’s junior titles, and became the first of the teenage
wonders to achieve world-class status. He dropped out of school when he was in the ninth grade, at the age of 15, and qualified for the Swedish Davis Cup team,
becoming the youngest player ever to win a cup match. This was his first encounter with team captain Lennart Bergelin, who later became Borg’s full-time coach. In 1975 Borg’s three match victories, including doubles, brought Sweden its first Davis Cup. In his first decade in competitive tennis, the golden-haired Swede broke more records than anyone else in the history of tennis. Borg was only 26 when he retired, and he failed in his attempt eight years later to make a comeback with his old wooden racket – made obsolete by the oversized models that are now used in the game.

One reason that Bjorn Borg was nicknamed «Ice-Borg» was that ……………

9 / 40

Crying which starts, ——— birth, is an alarm system that attracts the parent and it can be switched off ——— parental attention.

10 / 40


Because of his imperturbable manner, both on and off the tennis court, and his relentless ground strokes, Bjom Borg was dubbed Ice-Borg by his opponents on the
professional tennis circuit. Borg won his first tournament when he was 11. In four years, he won all the world’s junior titles, and became the first of the teenage
wonders to achieve world-class status. He dropped out of school when he was in the ninth grade, at the age of 15, and qualified for the Swedish Davis Cup team,
becoming the youngest player ever to win a cup match. This was his first encounter with team captain Lennart Bergelin, who later became Borg’s full-time coach. In 1975 Borg’s three match victories, including doubles, brought Sweden its first Davis Cup. In his first decade in competitive tennis, the golden-haired Swede broke more records than anyone else in the history of tennis. Borg was only 26 when he retired, and he failed in his attempt eight years later to make a comeback with his old wooden racket – made obsolete by the oversized models that are now used in the game.

Bjorn Borg ……………

11 / 40

Unfortunately, ——— stamping out the drugs trade, these programs are simply forcing drug growers to move into more inaccessible regions.

12 / 40

Short Stories

Ours is the great generation of the short story. The growth of the newspaper, the development of the magazine, the universality of popular education with its increase in human curiosity – most of all, the increasing pace of modern life, its speed of living and competitive pressure – gave this literary type its greatest encouragement.
Here is the people’s literature, and the most democratic of all forms of writing because it offers a means for the use of every conceivable sort of plot, character or background. It’s just the right length in a world of tumult and hurry; it is a form that presents things concisely and graphically, and it is the type of writing most easily understood by every kind of reader.

The way the short story is written ………

13 / 40

This is the most valuable museum in the city ____ the most valuable diamond was stolen last week.

14 / 40

This part of Africa is growing greener again ——— that families who fled to wetter coastal regions are starting to go home.

15 / 40

The Minister was accused of ………….. the truth.

16 / 40

Rick should know about the meeting because I ………… him about it yesterday.

17 / 40

Is it really the first time …………… first class?

18 / 40

Unfortunately, ——— current productivity growth looks impressive, the rise in profits over the coming years is likely to prove disappointing.

19 / 40

He offered us two persons to work with ____ participation in the program I objected.

20 / 40


Because of his imperturbable manner, both on and off the tennis court, and his relentless ground strokes, Bjom Borg was dubbed Ice-Borg by his opponents on the
professional tennis circuit. Borg won his first tournament when he was 11. In four years, he won all the world’s junior titles, and became the first of the teenage
wonders to achieve world-class status. He dropped out of school when he was in the ninth grade, at the age of 15, and qualified for the Swedish Davis Cup team,
becoming the youngest player ever to win a cup match. This was his first encounter with team captain Lennart Bergelin, who later became Borg’s full-time coach. In 1975 Borg’s three match victories, including doubles, brought Sweden its first Davis Cup. In his first decade in competitive tennis, the golden-haired Swede broke more records than anyone else in the history of tennis. Borg was only 26 when he retired, and he failed in his attempt eight years later to make a comeback with his old wooden racket – made obsolete by the oversized models that are now used in the game.

Lennart Bergelin ……………

21 / 40

Since 1998, the US federal government has more than doubled its spending ——— defence ——— biological weapons and chemical weapons.

22 / 40

The computer has had an enormous …………. on the way we work.

23 / 40

If Britain ——— the euro, say in 2006, the stability pact ——— highly important

24 / 40

…………… find out more about the costs before we make a final decision?

25 / 40

The foreman has a way of making most people do what he wants, but somehow I don’t think he’ll manage to ………… the new director!

26 / 40

We’re still trying to …………… together exactly what went wrong.

27 / 40

While the parades for the opening of parliament ———, the president ——— a sobering message for his countrymen.

28 / 40

The biggest accounting issue raised ——— the energy company is ——— accounting standards.

29 / 40

As acquisition opportunities within the EU ——— less, western European energy companies ——— to turn eastwards in the hunt for expansion opportunities.

30 / 40

Short Stories

Ours is the great generation of the short story. The growth of the newspaper, the development of the magazine, the universality of popular education with its increase in human curiosity – most of all, the increasing pace of modern life, its speed of living and competitive pressure – gave this literary type its greatest encouragement. Here is the people’s literature, and the most democratic of all forms of writing because it offers a means for the use of every conceivable sort of plot, character or background. It’s just the right length in a world of tumult and hurry; it is a form that presents things concisely and graphically, and it is the type of writing most easily understood by every kind of reader.

According to the writer, the short story ……………

31 / 40

Your teachers called me today and said that you …………. in the playground again.

32 / 40

Short Stories

Ours is the great generation of the short story. The growth of the newspaper, the development of the magazine, the universality of popular education with its increase in human curiosity – most of all, the increasing pace of modern life, its speed of living and competitive pressure – gave this literary type its greatest encouragement.
Here is the people’s literature, and the most democratic of all forms of writing because it offers a means for the use of every conceivable sort of plot, character or background. It’s just the right length in a world of tumult and hurry; it is a form that presents things concisely and graphically, and it is the type of writing most easily understood by every kind of reader.

Writers of short stories ………

33 / 40

The items ——— display in this museum were obtained ——— mosques, Turkish baths, fountains and caravanserais dating back to the Ottoman period.

34 / 40

____ they didn’t attend to this important meeting is still a mystery for us.

35 / 40

The members of the special commissions on crime, some of ——— were appointed by the mayor, still meet on a regular basis.

36 / 40

Following Fours Mars mission losses, an independent report paints a very clear picture of ——— what ails the US space program, ——— what must be done to fix it.

37 / 40

No one can give any meaning ____ he left the school in his last year.

38 / 40

You ____ stay up late tonight or you won’t be able to get up early for work.

39 / 40

Basically, a country has two objectives in imposing tariffs; one is to raise revenue for the government, ——— is to protect home industries by raising the price of competing goods from abroad.

40 / 40

They are staying in a rented accommodation for the time ………………

Your score is

Natijalar attestatsiyaning faqatgina test qismigagiga tegishli bo’lib, pedagog kadrlarning pedagogik mahorati va psixologik tayyorgarligi ta’lim tashkilotining pedagogik (kuzatuv) kengashi tomonidan o‘rganiladi hamda qo’shimcha 20 ballik tizimda baholanadi. Ushbu ballar bilan qo’shimcha qilinib yakuniy xulos chiqariladi.

Natijalaringiz yozib qoldirishni unutmang. Yanayam ko’proq testlarni saytimizdan topishingiz mumkin.

Attestatsiya test №1 & 2
Attestatsiya test №3
Attestatsiya test №4
Attestatsiya test №5
Attestatsiya test №6
Attestatsiya test №7

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