IELTS Uzbekistan

What is IELTS?


The extension of the word IELTS is the International English Language Testing System. That is, it measures how well we know the English language. IELTS scores range from 0 to 9. 0 is the worst and 9 is the best. After passing the exam, you will receive a certificate based on your results. With this certificate, you can study abroad and in our own universities without an exam or on the basis of an exam, according to the university’s rules.

Most universities require a minimum of 5 for undergraduate majors and 6 for graduate degrees. In addition to applicants, IELTS also offers a number of benefits to English language teachers. Currently, English teachers with an IELTS score of 7.0 and above can receive an additional 50 percent salary increase. IELTS score of 7.0 and above in category exams also allows you to get a category without attending the next certification.

IELTS has two modules. Academic and General. The Academic module is for students who intend to pursue further education, while the General module is taken for immigration and employment purposes. Both modules have 4 sections: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Listening, Reading and Writing tests are taken at the same time. Speaking is usually 2-3 days before or after. 40 questions and 40 minutes are allocated for listing, 10 minutes of which are allocated for copying the answers to the sheet. The audio is played only once. Reading also consists of 40 questions and is allotted 60 minutes. Writing consists of 2 Tasks. 20 minutes for Task 1 and 40 minutes for Task 2 for a total of 60 minutes. These three exams are held consecutively at the same time. A total of 15 minutes is set for speaking.

Where can I take IELTS?

The IELTS test is held 4-5 times a month in Tashkent and at different times in different regions.

Where can I get information about registering for the IELTS test?

Currently, two test centers are engaged in organizing the IELTS exam in Uzbekistan. Biritish Council and IDP (Edu-Action)
You can get the necessary information by visiting the test centers or register and get complete information through the official website of the British Council Uzbekistan and the official website of the IDP,

How much does it cost to take the exam?

As of June 2023, taking the exam is 2,070,000 soums in the IDP. 1,940,400 soums at the British Council

You can contact @forcefr profile from Telegram for registration and payment service.

How long is the certificate valid for?

The validity of the certificate is 2 years from the date of passing the test.

Can I study anywhere if IELTS is taken?
Many people ask if I can easily go to countries like America, England, Canada if I take IELTS. No, studying in those countries does not depend only on IELTS. IELTS is only one requirement. Admission to study is nothing, you will be accepted without difficulty, but getting a visa to those countries is the most difficult. Getting a visa depends on many factors.

How long can I learn IELTS from 0?
IELTS is not a system to learn from 0. To start preparing for IELTS, you need to be at least at the intermediate level. It takes 1-1.5 years to get the Intermediate level. For IELTS, you will need to spend another 4-6 months. This means that from 0 to IELTS 6-7 you will have to prepare continuously for 2 years. Again, these indicators are approximate. Depending on your activity and ability, this period may decrease or increase.


IELTS so’zining kengaytmasi International English Language Testing System bo’lib o’zbekchaga so’zma-so’z tarjima qilinganda Xalqaro Ingliz tilini O’lchash Tizimi ma’nosini anglatadi. Ya’ni ingliz tilini qay darajada bilishimizni o’lchab beradi. IELTSda baholash 0 dan 9 gacha bo’ladi. Bunda 0 eng yomon natija bo’lsa, 9 eng yaxshi natija. Imtihon topshirgandan so’ng, natijangizga qarab sertifikat beriladi. Ushbu sertifikat bilan chet el va o’zimizning oliygohlarga oliygoh qoidalariga ko’ra imtihonsiz yoki imtihon asosida tahsil olishingiz mumkin.

Ko’pgina oliygohlar bakalavr yo’nalishlari uchun eng kami 5 so’rashsa magistratura uchun 6 so’rashadi. Abituriyentlardan tashqari IELTS ingliz tili o’qituvchilariga ham bir qator imtiyozlarni taqdim etadi. Hozirgi kunda IELTS 7.0 va undan yuqori bal bilan ingliz tili o’qituvchilari oyligiga nisbatan 50 foiz qo’shimcha ustama olishlari mumkin. Toifa uchun bo’ladigan imtihonlarda ham IELTS 7.0 va undan yuqori bal navbatdagi attestatsiyaga qatnashmasdan toifa olish imkonini beradi.

IELTSning ikki moduli bor. Academic va General. Academic moduli ko’proq ta’lim olishni niyat qilgan talabalar uchun bo’lsa, General Moduli immigratsiya va ish topish maqsadida topshiriladi. Bu ikki modulda ham 4 ta bo’lim mavjud bo’lib, ular: Listening(Eshitish), Reading(O’qish), Writing (Yozish) va Speaking(Gapirish). Listening, Reading va Writing imtixonlari bir paytda olinadi. Speaking esa odatda 2-3 kun oldin yoki keyin bo’ladi. Listening uchun 40ta savol va 40 daqiqa vaqt ajratiladi undan 10 daqiqasi javoblarni varoqqa ko’chirish uchun ajratilgan. Audio faqat bir marta qo’yiladi.  Reading ham 40ta savoldan iborat va 60 daqiqa ajratiladi. Writing 2ta Task (Topshiriq)dan iborat. Task 1 ga 20 daqiqa, Task 2 ga esa 40 daqiqa ja’mi 60 daqiqa ajratiladi. Bu uch imtihon bir paytda ketma-ket bo’lib o’tadi. Speaking uchun umumiy 15 daqiqa belgilangan.

Qayerda IELTS topshirsam bo’ladi?

IELTS imtixoni deyarli har oyda 4-5 martadan Toshkent shaxri va turli vaqtlarda turli viloyatlarda bo’lib o’tadi.

IELTS imtixoniga ro’yxatdan o’tish to’g’risida ma’lumot qayerdan olsam bo’ladi?

Hozirda O’zbekistonda IELTS imtihonini tashkil qilish bilan ikkita test markazi shug’ullanadi. Biritish Council va IDP (Edu-Action)
Kerakli ma’lumotni test markazlariga tashrif buyurib yoki British Council Uzbekistanning rasmiy veb sayti va IDP ning rasmiy web sayti orqali ro’yxatdan o’tishingiz va to’liq ma’lumot olishingiz mumkin.

Imtixon topshirish qancha turadi?

2023-yil Iyun holatiga ko’ra imtihon topshirish IDP da 2 070 000 so’m. British Councilda 1 940 400 so’m

Ro’yxatdan o’tish va to’lovlarini to’lab berish xizmati bo’yicha Telegramdan @forcefr profiliga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin.

Sertifikat qancha muddatgacha yaroqli hisoblanadi? 

Sertifikat muddati test topshirgan kuningizdan boshlab 2 yil.

IELTS olsa istalgan joyga o’qishga ketish mumkinmi?
Ko’pchilik IELTS olsam Amerika, Angliya, Kanada kabi davlatlarga osonlik bilan keta olamanmi deb so’rashadi. Yo’q, u davlatlarga o’qishga ketish faqat IELTS ga bog’liq emas. IELTS bitta sharti xolos. O’qishga kirish hech narsa emas topshirasiz, qiyinchiliksiz qabul qilishaveradi lekin u davlatlarga viza olish eng qiyini. Viza olish juda ko’p omillarga bog’liq. 

IELTS ni 0 dan qancha vaqtda o’rgansa bo’ladi?
IELTS 0 dan o’rganadigan tizim emas. IELTS ga tayyorgarlikni boshlash uchun kamida intermediate darajasida bo’lishiz kerak. Intermediate darajasini egallaguncha 1-1.5 yil ketadi. IELTS uchun esa yana qo’shimcha 4-6 oy vaqt sarflashiz kerak bo’ladi. Bu degani 0 dan IELTS 6-7 gacha 2 yil uzluksiz tayyorlanishiz kerak bo’ladi. Yanayam bu ko’rsatkichlar taxminiy. Harakatiz va qobiliyatizga qarab bu muddat kamayishi yoki ko’payishi mumkin.

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