Grammatik test №1

Ingliz tili

Ingliz tilidan bilimlaringizni tekshirib borish uchun grammatik testlar to’plami. Jami 30ta savoldan iborat. Izohlarda natijangizni yozib qoldirishni unutmang!

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Grammatik test №1

Ingliz tilidan bilimlaringizni tekshirishingiz uchun grammatik testlar to’plami. Testni boshlash uchun «Start» tugmasini bosing.

1 / 30

I assume …………… against buying a new car.

2 / 30

We don’t quite know how …………… there.

3 / 30

You look …………… you were expecting some bad news.

4 / 30

I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you …………… ?

5 / 30

What beautiful eyes …………… !

6 / 30

What a clever girl …………… !

7 / 30

Hey! What are you cooking in the kitchen? It smells …………… .

8 / 30

She looked ………….. to me. She looked at me …………… .

9 / 30

Just look at him sit there all by himself. He looks terribly …………… .

10 / 30

The traffic was moving very slowly, because the highway …………… repaired.

11 / 30

The price they charge for many types of colour TV sets …………… finally dropping.

12 / 30

I’d rather have …………… of these two.

13 / 30

The weather is getting colder …………… colder.

14 / 30

She left …………… office early, but she got …………… home very late.

15 / 30

There’s been some dispute between …………… over that strip of land.

16 / 30

The more I thought about the plan, …………… .

17 / 30

………….. extra careful in crowded places ………….. get your money stolen.

18 / 30

Have you had …………… trouble with your car today? I hear that you have been having …………… troubles with it recently.

19 / 30

We go to …………. school to study. We go to …………. work in order to earn a living. We go to …………. bed to rest and sleep.

20 / 30

The story is about a man who …………… by his friends on a lonely Pacific island.

21 / 30

The singing of the birds …………… me distant memories.

22 / 30

The contractors say that they …………… the skeleton of the building by the end of next month.

23 / 30

The play was …………… directed, but unfortunately she acted so …………… .

24 / 30

Look! That’s …………… over there!

25 / 30

It was ………….. that they were talking about, wasn’t it?

26 / 30

It was him that went out just now, …………… ?

27 / 30

There aren’t very many people here,  …………… ?

28 / 30

I’m sorry, but I don’t really want to do it tonight. I …………… rather put it off till tomorrow.

29 / 30

…………… , all is not lost yet.

30 / 30

He …………… rather unwell for several days before he died one night in his sleep.

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