68-dars.Whose is this? It’s mine/yours/hers

Egalik olmoshlari ingliz tilida olmoshlarga -niki qo'shimchasi bilan tarjima qilinadi. va allaqachon aniq bo'lgan ma'lumotlarni takrorlashdan saqlanish uchun ishlatiladi. Umuman olganda, u jumlani kamroq chalkashtiradi, chunki bir xil ma'lumotlar takrorlanmayapti.

mine meniki
ours bizniki
yours sizniki
his uniki(erkak)
hers uniki(ayol)
theirs ularniki
deb tarjima qilinadi.

my/your keyin ot ishlatamiz.

My hands are cold. Mening qo’llarim sovuq

Is this your book? Bu sizning kibozmi?

mine/yours keyin otsiz ishlatamiz

Is this book mine or yours? Bu kitob siznikimi yoki meniki?

It’s their problem, not ours. Bu ularni muammosi, bizniki emas.

his keyin ot ishlatishimiz va ishlatmasligimiz ham mumkin.

‘Is this his camera or hers?’ ‘It’s his.’ Bu uning kamerasimi yoki unikimi?

whose keyin ot ishlatishimiz va ishlatmasligimiz ham mumkin. O’zbek tiliiga kimniki deb tarjima qilinadi.

Exercises 1. mine/yours bilan gaplarnito’ldiring.

Answers 2 mine 6 yours
3 ours 7 mine
4 hers 8 his
5 theirs

Exercises 2. To’g’ri so’zni tanlang.

Answers 2 mine 6 yours
3 ours 7 mine
4 hers 8 his
5 theirs

Exercises 3. Gaplarni to’ldiring. friend(s) of mine/yours foydalanib.

Answers 3 of hers
4 friends of ours
5 friend of mine
6 friend of his
7 friends of yours

68-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

-Isn't that CD ours?

-No, it isn't ____.

2 / 10

-Is this Emma's bag?

-No, ____ is over there.

3 / 10

We went to London for a holiday with ____.

4 / 10

I had an argument with ____.

5 / 10

Give ___ ___ pen. ____ likes writing only with ___. ___ is always with ___.

6 / 10

Give me ____ photo and I'll give you ____.

7 / 10

____ asked ____ to take ____ picture.

8 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

Bular kimning qo'lqoplari?

9 / 10

That man over there is a ____.

10 / 10

I'm going to a wedding next week . ____ is getting married.

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