56-Dars. Who is she talking to? What is it like?


Bugungi mavzuyimiz fe’llar bilan birga keladigan predloglar orqali savollar tuzish.

Who … ? / What … ? / Where … ? / Which … ? so’zlari bilan birga keluvchi predloglar (to/from/with etc) doim gap so’ngida keladi.

Where are you from?’ ( Qayerdansan?) ‘What was he afraid of?’( U nimadan qo’rqad?i) ‘Which hospital is he in?’ (U qaysi kasalxonada?) ‘Who is she going with?’( U kim bilan ketyapti?)

What’s it like / What are they like?

(U qanday? Ular qanday?)

Ko’chamizda yangi restaran bor. U qanday? Bilmayman. U yerda hali ovqatlanmadim.

Ta’tilda yaxshi dam oldingmi? Ob havosi qanday edi?

U juda ajoyib edi. Har kuni quyoshli edi?

Exercise 1. Quyidagi belgilar XXXXX o’rniga savol olmoshlarini qo’yib gaplar tuzing.

Answers 2 What are you looking for?
3 Who did you go to the cinema with?
4 What/Who was the film about?
5 Who did you give the money to?
6 Who was the book written by?

Exercise 2. Siz boshqa davlat haqida axborot olishni xohaysiz. U qanday birikmasi orqali savollar tuzing.

Answers 2 What is the food like?
3 What are the people like?
4 What is the weather like?

Exercise 3. U qanday birikmasi orqali savol tuzing

Answers 2 What was the film like?
3 What were the lessons like?
4 What was the hotel like?

New Words (Yangi so’zlar)

2wantxohlamoq10the countryqishloq


56-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping?

Bu mashinalar qanday farqlanadi?

2 / 10

A: There’s a new restaurant in our street.

B: _____? Is it good?

3 / 10

A: _______?

B: A heart attack.

4 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

U kim bilan raqsga tushayotgan edi?

5 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan juft javobni toping.

A: I met Ann's new boyfriend.

B: ______

6 / 10

Sizning do'stingiz yaqinda ta'tildan keldi. Undan ob-havo haqida so'ralgan to'g'ri variantni toping.

7 / 10

You look serious. ____

8 / 10

Look at this photograph of Ted. _____

9 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

Sen gaplashib turgan haligi kishi kim edi?

10 / 10

To'g'ri berilgan tarjimani toping.

Jeyn qaysi ishga (kirish uchun) ariza berdi?

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