Bugun sizlar bilan get fe’li haqida bir necha ma’lumotlarni o’rganib olamiz
get + noun = receive (qabul qilmoq), buy(sotib olmoq), find (topmoq) etc.
I got an email from Sam this morning. (= receive) (Bu tongda Samda xat oldim). I like your sweater. Where did you get it? (= buy) (Sening svitering menga yoqadi. Uni qayerdan olding). It’s hard to get a job at the moment? (= find)
also get a bus / a train / a taxi (= take a bus/train etc.): avtobusga, poezdga, taksiga chiqmoq
‘Did you walk here?’ ‘No, I got the bus.’ (Buyerga piyoda keldingmi? Yo’q avtobusga chiqdim.
get hungry (och qolmoq) / get cold (sovqotmoq)/ get tired(charchamopq) etc. (get + adjective) = become:
If you don’t eat, you get hungry. (Agar ovqatlanmasang, och qolasan) Drink your coffee. It’s getting cold. (Kofeyingni ichib ol.Sovub qolyapti.)
get married (turmush qurmoq)Nicola and Frank are getting married soon. get dressed (kiyinmoq) I got up and got dressed quickly.
get lost (yo’qolib qolmoq) We didn’t have a map, so we got lost.
get to a place = arrive: Yetib olmoq
I usually get to work before 8.30 (Odatda men ishga 8:30 dan avval boraman).
We left London at 10 o’clock and got to Manchester
at 12.45. (Biz Londondan soat 10: 00 da chiqib, Manchestrga 12:45da yetib bordik).
get here/there (without to): shu yerga / u yerga yetib bormoq How did you get here? By bus? (Bu yerga qanday yetib kelding. Avtobusdami?) get home (without to): (uyga bormoq) What time did you get home last night? (O’tgan tunda uyga qanday yetib kelding?)
Get in (mashinaga chiqmoq)/ Get out (mashinadan tushmoq)/
Get on(avtobusga chiqmoq)/ Get off (avtobusdan chiqmoq)
Exercise1. Gaplarni to’ldiring. Jadvaldan so’zlarni tanlang.
2 get your boots3 get a doctor
4 get a taxi
5 gets the job
6 get some milk
7 get a ticket
8 gets a good salary
9 get a lot of rain
10 get a new laptop
Exercise 2. Get/gets/got so’zlariga quyidagi so’zlarni qo’shib yozing.
2 get wet3 got married
4 gets angry
5 got lost
6 get old
7 got better
Exercise 3. Quyidagi yo’zlarni mosini qo’yib yozing.
2 got off3 got out of
4 got on
New words (yangi so’zlar)
1 | angry | jahli chiqmoq | 6 | milk | sut |
2 | married | turmush qumoq | 7 | boots | etik |
3 | ticket | bilet | 8 | salary | maosh |
4 | stupid | ahmoq | 9 | horrible | daxshatli |
5 | stay | qolmoq | 10 | calm | sokin |