45-dars. Would you like…?


Would you like…? ingliz tiliga hohlaysizmi, biron narsa istaysizmi ma’nolarida tarjima qilinadi. Agar biror kimga hozir biror narsa taklif qilmoqchi bo’lganda ishlatiladi.

Would you like a chocolate? Yes, please.

(Siz shokolad hohlaysizmi? Ha, iltimos.)

(Nima hohlaysiz, choy yoki kofe? Choy, iltimos)

Do you like…? ni biz yoqtirish yoki yoqtirmasligini bilish uchun va umumiy ma’noda bilish uchun ishlatamiz. Ya’ni taklif ma’nosida ishlatilmaydi.

Do you like tea? Yes, I do.

(Siz choyni yoqtirasizmi? Ha, men yoqtiraman)

Would you like some now? No, thank you. Not now.

(Hozir hohlaysizmi? Yo’q, rahmat. Hozir emas.)

Exercises 1. Rasmdagi odamlar nima deyishyapti? Would you like…? foydalaning.

Answers 2 Would you like an apple?
3 Would you like some coffee? / … a cup of coffee?
4 Would you like some cheese? / … a piece of cheese?
5 Would you like a sandwich?
6 Would you like some cake? / … a piece of cake?

Exercises 2. Qaysi biri to’g’ri?

Answers 2 Do you like
3 Would you like
4 would you like
5 Would you like
6 I like
7 would you like
8 Would you like
9 Do you like
10 I’d like
11 I’d like
12 do you like

New words (yangi so’zlar)

3cinemakino teatr11eatyemoq
7concertkonsert15kindtur, mehribon


45-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

A: ______ to join our music group?

B: I’m afraid not. I can’t sing very well.

2 / 10

A: I’m going to the cinema. ______ to come?

B: Yes, I’d love to!

3 / 10

A: _________ series?

B: Yes! I do, but I prefer movies.

4 / 10

A: ________ with me?

B: No, I’m sorry but I don’t like dancing.

5 / 10

I ____ to live by the beach.

6 / 10

Noto’g’ri berilgan javobni toping.

Would Sharon like to play with us?

7 / 10

You would = _____

8 / 10

‘I would’ ning qisqartmasi qanday?

9 / 10

What would you like to eat?

10 / 10

I’m a bit tired. I ______ a 3-minute break.

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