44-dars. Have to.


-have to ingliz tiliga zarur, kerak deb tarjima qilinadi. Agar -have todi ishlatadigon bo’lsak bu ish-harakatimizni bajarishga majbur, ya’ni bajarmaslikni iloji yo’q. Masalan:

This is my medicine. I have to take it three times a day.

(Bu mening dorim. Men buni kuniga 3 mahal qabul qilishim zarur)

Ya’ni bu dorini ichmasa bo’maydi. -have to gapda ishlatganimizda uni qilmaslikni iloji yo’q. -have to – must dan kuchli hisoblanadi.

I-have to, he/she/it-has to, we/you/they-have to ishlatiladi.

(Men ertaga ishga kech qolaman. Men tish shifokoriga borishim zarur).

(Janeni ishi soat 7 da boshlanadi, u soat 6 da tuzishi zarur)

-have to ni o’tgan zamoni -had to.

(Men kecha ishga kech qolgan edim. Men tish shifokoriga borishim zarurdi)

Savol tuzayotganimizda esa hozirgi zamonda do/doesdan foydalanamiz.

O’tgan zamonda esa did dan foydalanamiz.

(Ertaga sen soat nechida tish shifokoriga borishing zarur?)

Exercises 1. Gaplarni to’ldiring. have to yoki has to+fe’llardan foydalanib.

Answers 2 have to do
3 has to read
4 have to speak
5 has to travel
6 have to hit

Exercises 2. Gaplarni to’ldiring. have to yoki had to+fe’llardan foydalanib.

Answers 2 have to go
3 had to buy
4 have to change
5 had to answer

Exercises 3. Qaysi biri to’g’ri? ba’zan must va have to ikkalasi ham to’g’ri. Ba’zan faqatgina bittasi to’g’ri.

Answers 3 have to pay
4 had to borrow
5 must stop or have to stop (both are correct)
6 has to meet
7 must tell or have to tell (both are correct)

New words (yangi so’zlar)

4eyeko’z12borrowqarz olmoq
7slowlyasta sekin15milemilya(masofa o’lchovi
8netto’r, qopqon16helpyordam

44-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

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