9-dars. There is/There are

Ingliz tili grammatikasi

There is , there are u yerda bor degan ma’noni bildirib, biror joyda biror nima borligini bildiradi.

Masalan: There is an apple in the fridge. Xolodilnikda olma bor.

There is/are ni have/has dan farqi, have/has biror shaxsda yoki predmetda biror nima borligini bildirsa, there is/are esa biror yerda biror nima borligini bildiradi.

There’s a boat. U yerda qayiq bor
There are three fish. U yerda uchta baliqlar bor.

Oldingi mavzuimiz ya’ni 7-darsda o’tganimizda, biz sizga «is» ni birlik «are»ni esa ko’plik uchun ishlatilishini aytib o’tgandik, xuddi shunday ‘ there is – birlikdagi otni, there are esa ko’plikdagi otlarni borligini ko’rsatish uchun qo’llaniladi.

There is a pen on the table. (stol ustida ruchka bor)
There are two pens on the the table. (stol ustida ikkita ruchkalar bor)

Biz there is/are dan inkor gap yasaganimizda to be fe’li (is/are) dan keyin not yuklamasi qo’yiladi va u yerda yo’q deb tarjima qilinadi.

Masalan: There is not a pen in my bag. Mening sumkamda ruchka yo’q.
There are not five flowers in the classroom. Sinfxonada beshta gullar yo’q.

Biz there is/are dan so’roq shaklini yasaganimizda esa to be fe’li (is/are) egadan oldinga qo’yiladi va u yerda bormi deb tarjima qilinadi.

Masalan: Is there a cat in your home? Sizning uyingizda mushuk bormi?
Are there two copybooks in your bag? Sumkangizda ikkita daftaringiz bormi?

Ingliz tilida ko’pincha to be fe’lini qisqartmalaridan foydalaniladi. There is/are ni quyidagicha qisqartirib foydalanish mumkin.
there is = there’s
there is not = there isn’t
there are not = there aren’t

Gaplarni is, are isn’t yoki aren’t qo’yib tugallang.

Rasmga qarang. Huddi misoldagidek qilib savollar yozing va ularga javob bering.


3.Is there a doll?
No,there isn`t
4.Are there four red dresses?
No, there aren`t.
5.Is there an umbrella?
Yes, there is.


9-dars yakuni test

Savollarni o’qing va to’g’ri javobni belgilng

1 / 5

There are so’zi bilan qanday otlar keladi?

2 / 5

There are three fish in the picture.

Gapni to’g’ri tarjima qiling.

3 / 5

So’roq shakli to’g’ri yozilgan qatorni toping.


4 / 5

So’zlarni o’z joyiga qo’ying.

five/ are /there /children /in /the class/

5 / 5

There are va there is qanday tarjima qilinadi?

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