Repetitsion TEST 7


Ertangi bo’ladigan attestatsiya imtihoniga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida berilgan repetitsion test bilan o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring!
1-bosqich pedagogning mutaxassislik fani bo’yicha 35ta, kasbiy standart bo’yicha 5ta testdan iborat bo’lsa, 2-bosqichda pedagogik mahorat bo’yicha 10ta savol o’rin olgan bo’ladi.
Boshlash uchun «Start» tugmasini bosing!


Repetitsion TEST 7

Jami savollar 50ta!

Mutaxassislik fani 40ta
Pedagogik mahoratdan 10ta

Ajratilgan vaqt 90 daqiqa

Boshlash uchun «Start» tugmasini bosing!

1 / 50

When I came through the customs at the airport I had to pay ________ on a clock I had bough

2 / 50

Find the antonym of the “tug”

3 / 50

What is the phonetic transcription of «fought»?

4 / 50

Shaxsning bilimlar tizimiga, dunyoqarashiga, xulq-atvoriga, xatti-harakatiga ta’sir eta olish va uni qisman o‘zgartirish … deyiladi.

5 / 50

Which of the following words contains a monophthong?

6 / 50

O‘quvchilar bilimini kompyuter texnologiyalari orqali o‘qituvchi tomonidan nazorat qilishning asosiy vositalari bu…..

7 / 50

Such a boring job … that no one wanted to do it.

8 / 50

Only later … of a good answer to the interviewer’s question.

9 / 50

Who is responsible … dealing with complaints?

10 / 50

Don’t you think you should apply for the job … writing?

11 / 50

In today’s paper, it _____ that there will be a new government soon.

12 / 50

It was after dark when the two children were both ________ on the safety-crossing by a lorry.

13 / 50

O’quvchiga amaliy topshiriqni bajarish uchun muayyan vazifa va uni amalga oshirish shartlari belgilab berildi. O’quvchi o’z faoliyatini shunga muvofiq rejalashtirdi. Bu qobiliyat qaysi faoliyat turiga kiradi?

14 / 50

Every year in Alaska, there is a huge race with sleds pulled by dogs. On the day of the race, the Alaskan huskies seem willing to go on what may be the world’s longest race. It is called the Iditarod dog sled race. The voice of the race announcer booms over the streets of Anchorage as the racers set off on their long journey «They’re off. The last great race…» Fifty-six sleds leave downtown Anchorage to start the race. A sled leaves every two minutes. It will take ten days to two weeks before reaching the finish line at Nome on the other side of Alaska. The men and women who guide the sleds are called mushers

If a sled starts the race every two minutes, how long will it take 56 sleds to start the race?

15 / 50

Man has dreamed about flying for a long time. Moshan, who is a dreamer, invented the Solo Trek. The Solo Trek had a 120 horsepower engine with twin fans. Only one person flies. As you fly above the roofs, you lean a little forward. You can see everything under you. You are flying like Superman. Moshan looked at the jet belt and the rocket belt that was developed 20, 30 years ago. Nothing ever came from them. People still can’t fly. Inventors have tried to make it easy for people to fly. Moller has been working on his flying car for 30 years. He now says it is ready for tests. It would take off and land vertically, go 600 miles an hour, and deliver 20 miles to the gallon. A computer would do the actual flying. He says it could be sold next year for about a million dollars. NASA is working with Moshan to help develop his flying machine. The first uses are likely to be military. It’s been 50-years since Robert Fulton invented his airphibian, a flying car. It flew and is now in the Smithsonian Museum. Getting dreams to fly is never easy.

Paul Moller’s flying car is different from an airplane because ……….

16 / 50

«Dars vaqtini oqilona tashkillashtirish, darsning maqsad, shakl va usullarini aniqlash» o’qituvchilar kasbiy kompetensiyasining qaysi mehnat vazifasidagi ko’nikmalariga kiradi?

17 / 50

First, the spotted owl was threatened by logging in the Pacific Northwest. Now it’s in danger from a new enemy, the barred owl. Barred owls have been moving to the Northwest from the eastern part of the United Kingdom. Stan Severn has studied spotted owls. Now when he calls for spotted owls, barred owls are starting to appear. Severn threw a mouse on the ground, and a barred owl grabbed it. Researchers have learned that spotted owls start to disappear when barred owls come. Some barred and spotted owls have mated and produced hybrid babies. One spotted owl was killed by a barred owl. Ten years have passed since the federal government began protecting the spotted owl. Loggers were forced to limit logging on seven million acres of government land. No one is sure how the arrival of the barred owls will impact laws that protect spotted laws. The barred owls like to live in the deep forests where loggers like to cut down trees. The barred owls will likely keep migrating to the Northwest.

Logging was greatly reduced ……….

18 / 50

I was only absent … the office for a few minutes!

19 / 50

Call me ……you need further information.

20 / 50

Rejalashtirilayotgan darsning shakl va usullari nimalarga mos kelishi lozim?

21 / 50

Find the meaning of the underlined words. There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some.

22 / 50

Two kilometers ……… along way to go on foot.

23 / 50

………boy is my friend.

24 / 50

Their house is as …… ours.

25 / 50

Which of the following words contains a diphthong?

26 / 50

Ekstravertlarga qanday hislatli insonlar kiradi?

27 / 50

I saw a wallet on the floor next to a couple of tourists and asked them if it was …

28 / 50

Both my brothers-in-law …….in a bank.

29 / 50

What secrets do you think the Moon might be hiding within … craters?

30 / 50

I poured my heart out to him and then he told all his friends what I’d said.

31 / 50

Turli xil muhitda har xil emotsional holatlardagi odamlar bilan aloqa qila olish ko’nikmasi o’qituvchi kasbiy faoliyat turining qaysi vazifasini bajarish uchun juda muhim?

32 / 50

Before you sign anything important, pay careful _____ to all the conditions

33 / 50

Masofadan o’qitishning afzallik tomonlari?

34 / 50

The covering letter wasn’t attached … the CV.

35 / 50

We began … looking round for advertising agencies which had experience of our market.

36 / 50

Don’t call me at 9. I ……….at home, I …….with my friends.

37 / 50

It takes six weeks to ________ a man to do this job.

38 / 50

Find the odd word.

39 / 50

Every year in Alaska, there is a huge race with sleds pulled by dogs. On the day of the race, the Alaskan huskies seem willing to go on what may be the world’s longest race. It is called the Iditarod dog sled race. The voice of the race announcer booms over the streets of Anchorage as the racers set off on their long journey «They’re off. The last great race…» Fifty-six sleds leave downtown Anchorage to start the race. A sled leaves every two minutes. It will take ten days to two weeks before reaching the finish line at Nome on the other side of Alaska. The men and women who guide the sleds are called mushers.

The people in Anchorage _____.

40 / 50

Find the antonym of “tough”

41 / 50

All our … receive four weeks paid holiday per year.

42 / 50

He smiled ………

43 / 50

My pencil is …….

44 / 50

Basketball players are tall. They are ………

45 / 50

O‘qituvchi o‘quvchining mustaqil faoliyatlari darajasini oshirishmoqchi. Buning uchun u o‘qitish usullari ketma-ketligini qanday tanlashi lozim?
1. Reproduktiv usul
2. Axborot to‘plash – reseptiv usul
3. Muammoli ta’lim usuli
4. Tadqiqot usuli

46 / 50

O‘qituvchining kasbiy refleksiyasi asosida pedagogik mahoratining qaysi turlari rivojlanadi?

47 / 50

A large ……of people work here.

48 / 50

Man has dreamed about flying for a long time. Moshan, who is a dreamer, invented the Solo Trek. The Solo Trek had a 120 horsepower engine with twin fans. Only one person flies. As you fly above the roofs, you lean a little forward. You can see everything under you. You are flying like Superman. Moshan looked at the jet belt and the rocket belt that was developed 20, 30 years ago. Nothing ever came from them. People still can’t fly. Inventors have tried to make it easy for people to fly. Moller has been working on his flying car for 30 years. He now says it is ready for tests. It would take off and land vertically, go 600 miles an hour, and deliver 20 miles to the gallon. A computer would do the actual flying. He says it could be sold next year for about a million dollars. NASA is working with Moshan to help develop his flying machine. The first uses are likely to be military. It’s been 50-years since Robert Fulton invented his airphibian, a flying car. It flew and is now in the Smithsonian Museum. Getting dreams to fly is never easy.

An analogy was used to compare the way one could fly in the Solo Flyer to ………

49 / 50

Tarbiyaviy muammolarni hal qilishda va o‘quvchilarni hayotga tayyorlashda boshqa pedagogik xodimlar va mutaxassislar, jamoat tashkilotlari va bo‘limlari (Yoshlar agentligi) bilan hamkorlik qilish o‘qituvchilar kasbiy kompetensiyasining qaysi mehnat vazifasidagi harakatlariga kiradi?

50 / 50

O‘qituvchi o‘quvchilarni guruhlarga ajratib, bir necha yo‘nalishlarda loyiha ishlari mavzularini taqdim etdi. Quyida berilganlardan ekologik loyiha turiga kiradigan variantlarni belgilang:
1. Maktabda chiqindilarni saralab yig‘ish ishlarini tashkil etish
2. Maktab hududidagi sport maydonchasini yoritish uchun shamol generatorini yaratish
3. Tog‘ chang‘i dam olish zonasiga sayohat harajatlarini hisoblash
4. Maktabda “Ekologik muammolar” mavzusidagi tadbirni tashkillashtirish

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