Grammar Test №2

Ingliz tili

Ingliz tilidan bilimlaringizni tekshirib borish uchun grammatik testlar to’plami. Jami 30ta savoldan iborat. Izohlarda natijangizni yozib qoldirishni unutmang!

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Grammar Test №2

Ingliz tilidan bilimlaringizni tekshirishingiz uchun grammatik testlar to’plami. Testni boshlash uchun “Start” tugmasini bosing.

Boshlashdan oldin tanishib olamiz! Ismingiz?

1 / 17

Nobody loves you …………… I do.

2 / 17

………….. 1999 that somebody first pointed out to the probable future problems this scheme would involve.

3 / 17

…………… beautifully she dances tonight!

4 / 17

………….. crowded place this is!

5 / 17

John: …………… did you two meet last night? Andy: «How many times must I tell you? We didn’t

6 / 17

The work had …………… under extremely difficult conditions.

7 / 17

My friend can climb trees …………… a monkey.

8 / 17

The new system is more efficient and …………… than the old one.

9 / 17

He’s got a …………… grandmother.

10 / 17

Ali has …………… vacation.

11 / 17

It was easy ………….. .

12 / 17

The letter …………… addressed to the wrong person. It was never received by its intended recipient.

13 / 17

It was foolish …………… your advice.

14 / 17

There weren’t …………… for everyone to sit down.

15 / 17

She …………… about twenty-five when I first met her.

16 / 17

Did you really say that? You ………….. out of your mind!

17 / 17

Seeing that her car wasn’t there, I asked them, «Has Sarah …………… left?

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