52-dars.How long does it take?


Qancha vaqt oladi………………………………?

Nyu Yorkdan Vashingtonga samolyotda qancha vaqt oladi?
Bir soat vaqt oladi.

Kimdandur biror ishni bajarishda qancha vaqt olishini so’raganda How long does it take iborasi ishlatiladi?

Biror ishni bajarish uchun qancha vaqt ketadi?
Biz bu birikmani o’tgan zamonda ham ishlatishimiz mumkin.

Exercises 1. Suratlarga qarang va How long birikmasi bilan savollar tuzing.

Answers 2 How long does it take by car from Milan to Rome?
3 How long does it take by train from Paris to Geneva?
4 How long does it take by bus from the city centre to the airport?

Execises 2. Bajriladigan ishlar qancha vaqt oladi? To’liq gapni yozing.

Answers 2 It takes… hours to fly from … to New York.
3 It takes… years to study to be a doctor in ….
4 It takes… to walk from my home to the nearest shop.
5 It takes… to get from my home to the nearest airport.

Exercises 3. How long did it take…? bilan savol yozing.

Answers 2 How long did it take you to walk to the station?
3 How long did it take him to paint the bathroom?
4 How long did it take you to learn to ski?
5 How long did it take them to repair the car?

52-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

__________ a lot of teamwork to win the game yesterday.

2 / 10

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3 / 10

Trent: How long does it take to learn to play the piano like that?
Tori: Oh, it ______ many years.

4 / 10

_________ me a few months to prepare for the IELTS, but in the end, I did well.

5 / 10

How long __________ before I'm ready to perform in front of an audience?

6 / 10

My boss asked me __________ to finish the project.

7 / 10

How long __________ you to complete your BA? When will you graduate?

8 / 10

__________ did it take to copy the files?

9 / 10

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10 / 10

How _____________ will it take you to complete this quiz?

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