47-dars. there is/there are.


there is/there are ingliz tiliga bor bu yerda deb tarjima qilinadi. there is birlikda, there are esa ko’plikda ishlatiladi.

(Bog’da daraxt bor)

(Tunda televizorda hech narsa yo’q)

(Bog’da bir necha daraxtlar bor)

(Bu yo’lda juda ko’p bahtsiz hodisalar mavjud)

Inkor gapda there is/there are+not yuklamasi orqali yasaymiz.

There are not many people here.

(Bu yerda odamlar ko’p emas)

There is not a book in the room.

(Xonada kitob yo’q)

There is va it is farqi.

There is a book on the table.

( Kitob stolning ustida) bu vaziyatda biz it is ni ishlatmaymiz.

I like this book. It is ineteresting.

(Men bu kitobni yaxshi ko’raman. U juda qiziqarli) bu gapda it va this ma’no teng bo’lyapti.

Exercises 1.Ketham kichik shahrchada. Quti ichidagi ma’lumotga qarang va there is/there are bilan Ketham haqida gaplar yozing.

Answers 3 There’s/There is a hospital.
4 There isn’t a swimming pool.
5 There are two cinemas.
6 There isn’t a university.
7 There aren’t any big hotels

Exercises 2.there is/there isn’t/ is there yoki there are/ there aren’t/ are there yozing.

Answers 2 There’s/There is
3 is there
4 There are
5 are there
6 There isn’t
7 Is there
8 Are there
9 There’s / There is There aren’t

New words (yangi so’zlar)

3swimming poolbaseyn11usuallyodatda
4oldeski12trafficko’cha harakati
6newspapergazeta14stateahvol, holat
7nearyaqin15letterharf, hat

47-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

Noto’g’ri gap berilgan qatorni toping.

2 / 10

Please wait here for a moment _____ something I have to get in my car.

3 / 10

A: _____ a good reason why he is late?

B: Yes, _____.

4 / 10

I do not any buses. Why ____ any buses?

5 / 10

Why ____ so many cars parked near the library?

6 / 10

To’g’ri gap yozilgan qatorni toping.

7 / 10

A: Is there anything I can do to help?

B: _____.

8 / 10

______ four chairs and one table in the dining room.

9 / 10

A: _____ any books on the table?

B: No, _____.

10 / 10

A: _____ a taxi waiting for us?

B: Yes, _____

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